ERCL特刊征稿|Climate impacts and adaptation in urban environments

- Oliver Meseguer Ruiz,智利塔拉帕卡大学
- Pamela Smith Guerra,智利大学
- Ana Terra Amorim-Maia,西班牙巴斯克气候变化中心(BC3)
- Natasha Picone,阿根廷地理、历史和社会科学研究所(阿根廷国家科学研究委员会-布宜诺斯艾利斯大学)

Night-time urban heat island in Iquique and Alto Hospicio, Northern Chile, January 2023 (copyright Oliver Meseguer-Ruiz and Pamela Smith Guerra)
Cities change the natural environment and directly impact human life conditions. The effects have become increasingly evident in recent decades, from the urban heat island phenomenon to the emergence of sacrifice zones in cities, undermining climate justice. This reality has impacted in multiple ways on people’s health, well-being and daily activities. Because of this, the identification of the different phenomena, their measurement and monitoring, the analysis of the physical basis, as well as the different implications that can be triggered in the urban environment and the possible measures to be considered for their mitigation, are of particular importance. This issue assesses the vulnerability of urban systems to climate change and explores options for adaptation, examining the capacities and limits of cities to mitigate risks, enhancing resilience, and enabling more just outcomes. The diverse and transdisciplinary nature of this issue makes it particularly amenable to different methodologies, which will be used to answer complex questions. This collection gains added relevance in light of the forthcoming IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities (2027).
We welcome submissions on topics such as:
- extreme event impacts on urban environments
- equity implications of climate impacts and adaptation solutions
- transitioning towards sustainable cities
- nature-based solutions applied to urban challenges
- climate justice
- climate-sensitive urban planning
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- Environmental Research: Climate(ERCL)是一本多学科、开放获取的期刊,致力于解决有关物理科学的重要挑战以及气候系统和全球变化的评估,并在影响/未来风险、复原力、环境减缓、环境适应、环境安全和最广泛意义上的解决方案方面进行努力。我们鼓励所有的研究方法,包括定性、定量、实验、理论和应用方法。