2023国际能源材料会议(Energy Materials 2023)

会议介绍 Introduction
英国物理学会出版社(IOPP)、世界青年科学家峰会(WYSS)联合中国物理学会(CPS)、清华大学(THU),将于2023年11月9日、10日以线上线下结合的形式在中国温州举办“2023国际能源材料会议”(Energy Materials 2023)。清华大学张强教授将担任本次会议主席。2023国际能源材料会议将开展为期两天的学术研讨。届时,全球学术界和产业界的资深研究人员、青年学者将在线共同探讨最前沿的先进材料科学、能源和可持续性研究交叉领域的最新研究成果。本次会议将采取线上线下相结合的方式,您可以选择线下参会,或收看线上同步直播。
Co-organised by IOP Publishing, the World Young Scientist Summit(WYSS) and the Chinese Physical Society(CPS), Tsinghua University(THU)and chaired by Professor Qiang Zhang(Tsinghua University),‘Energy Materials 2023’ will be an international two-day workshop taking place on 9 and 10 November 2023 that brings together early career and leading researchers from universities and industry worldwide to share, learn and collaborate on the latest cutting edge research at the intersection of advanced materials science, energy and sustainability. The conference will be conducted in a hybrid format, giving you the option to attend in person or watch the synchronous live stream online.
信息/直播 Information/Live Broadcast
- 日期:2023年11月8日-10日(11月8日全天注册,无注册费用)
- 地点:线下会议(中国温州)+现场直播
- Dates: 8-10 Nov 2023(full registration day on 8 Nov, no registration fee for onsite and online audiences)
- Venue: hybrid (Wenzhou, China; live broadcasting)
参会注册 Registration
We cordially request all participants to kindly access the link below and furnish their participation details by November 3rd (no registration fee). Based on your registered email, we shall expeditiously share updates pertaining to the conference.
Registration Form: http://s.31url.cn/O3umtjvC
组织单位 Organizational Structure
- 指导单位:中国科学技术协会、浙江省人民政府
- 主办单位:英国物理学会出版社、浙江省科学技术协会 温州市人民政府
- 承办单位:温州市科学技术协会、龙湾区人民政府
- 学术支持:中国物理学会、清华大学
- Patronages: China Association for Science and Technology , The People’s Government of Zhejiang Province
- Main-Organizers: IOP Publishing, Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology, The People’s Government of Wenzhou
- Co-Organizers: Wenzhou Association for Science and Technology , The People’s Government of Longwan District
- Academic Support: Chinese Physical Society , Tsinghua University
拟定议题 Proposed Topics
- 电池科学与技术;
- 燃料电池和电解槽;
- 太阳能转换和光伏;
- 水分解和光催化;
- 电催化;
- 氢气的产生和储存;
- 二氧化碳捕集和封存;
- 能源系统
Aligned with IOP’s publishing activity in the field and featuring a diverse mix of high profile invited speakers from China and overseas, the scientific programme of Energy Materials 2023will be built around core topics including (representing some of the most active areas in the energy materials sciences today):
- Battery science and technology;
- Fuel cells and electrolysers;
- Solar energy conversion and photovoltaics;
- Water splitting and photocatalysis;
- Electrocatalysis;
- Hydrogen generation and storage;
- CO2 capture and storage;
- Energy systems.
会议主席及召集人 Advisory Committee
会议主席 Chair:
- 张强教授,清华大学
- Professor Qiang Zhang, Tsinghua University
组织委员会/召集人 Organising Committee/Convenors:
- 光催化水分解分会场
- 刘岗教授,中国科学院金属研究所
- Photocatalytic Water Splitting Session
- Professor Gang Liu, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 锂离子、锂金属、锂硫和固态电池分会场
- 李峰教授,中国科学院金属研究所
- Li-ion, Li metal, LiS and Solid-state Batteries
- Professor Feng Li, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 电解质化学与工程分会场
- 马建民教授,天津工业大学
- Electrolyte Chemistry and Engineering Session
- Professor Jianmin Ma, Tiangong University
- 二氧化碳还原分会场
- 鲁统部教授,天津理工大学
- CO2 Reduction Session
- Professor Tongbu Lu, Tianjin University of Technology
- 能源材料产业化发展分会场
- 陆盈盈教授,浙江大学
- Industrial Development of Energy Materials
- Professor Yingying Lu, Zhejiang University
- Daniel Jopling,高级出版人, IOP英国物理学会出版社
- Daniel Jopling, Senior Publisher, IOP Publishing
- 王小华,编辑发展经理,IOP英国物理学会出版社
- Xiaohua Wang, Editorial Development Manager, IOP Publishing
会议日程 Agenda
Agenda will update soon
奖项 Award
Best Oral Presentation Awards and Best Poster Awards
奖项申请 To Apply
请根据以下模板,将英文摘要及电子版海报提交至邮箱:publishing.china@ioppublishing.org 。邮件主题请注明为“2023国际能源材料会议”,附件名称请设置为“姓名-单位-拟参加分会场”,例如“张三-清华大学-光催化水分解分会场”。
注:WYSS会务组将负责打印并张贴海报。如您想自己打印并携带至会场,请提前邮件告知会务组,海报制作尺寸可参照规格:90 cm(宽)*120 cm(高)。
Please submit the abstract and PDF version of the poster to the email address publishing.china@ioppublishing.org , according to the following template. Please indicate that the subject of the email is (Energy Materials 2023), and the attachment name should be set to “Name-Affiliation-Proposed Topical Session”, such as “Zhang San-Tsinghua University-Photocatalytic Water Splitting Session”.
Note: The WYSS conference team will be responsible for printing posters. If you want to print it yourself and bring it to the venue, please inform us in advance. The size of the poster can be as follows: 90 cm (width) * 120 cm (height).
摘要模板下载(doc)/ Abstract template download (doc): 点击下载 Download
电子版海报模板下载(ppt)/ Poster template download (ppt): 点击下载 Download
Nomination Deadline: 15 October 2023
摘要征集 Call for Abstract
请拟投递摘要的参会代表在2023年11月1日前提交英文论文摘要,摘要必须用英文书写,并由作者提交至邮箱 publishing.china@ioppublishing.org , 可参考以下摘要模板。征集的摘要将汇总为会议摘要集。
Delegates who intend to submit abstracts are requested to submit an abstract before 1 November 2023, the abstract must be written in English and submitted by the author to the email address publishing.china@ioppublishing.org, please refer to the following template. The abstracts will be aggregated into a conference abstract collection.
摘要模板下载(doc)Abstract template download (doc): 点击下载 Download
特刊 Focus Issue
支持期刊 Supporting Journals
Energy Materials is supported by the following leading IOP products that serve the energy materials science and technology community:
JPhys Energy; JPhys Materials; Progress in Energy; Nanotechnology; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics; 2D Materials; Environmental Research: Energy; Report on Progress in Physics