2DM特刊征稿|2D Materials期刊创刊十周年特辑

10 4月 2024 gabriels



Major developments throughout human history correspond with our mastery of new materials and their properties, from the smelting of steel to the invention of the silicon transistor. Since the discovery of graphene in 2004 by Geim and Novosolov, a multitude of 2D materials have been realised with properties previously consigned to theory. While we’re still only scratching the surface of their potential, 2D materials are making huge contributions towards renewable energy generation and storage, electronics and optoelectronics, quantum technologies, and biomedicine to name but a few fields.

2D Materials has been proudly serving the research community since 2014. This collection celebrates some of the remarkable achievements from the last two decades of research, and ten volumes of the journal. In a series of topical reviews, perspectives and papers, we also look at some of the challenges still to be solved and what the future may hold for 2D materials research. We thank all authors, reviewers and readers for the contribution to the journal since its inception and look forward to working with you in the future.





作者可登入期刊主页进行在线投稿,先选择“文章类型”,然后在“选择特刊”的下拉框中选择“The 2D Materials 10th Anniversary Collection”。





Isolation and characterization of few-layer black phosphorus

Andres Castellanos-Gomez et al 2014 2D Mater. 1 025001


Environmental instability of few-layer black phosphorus

Joshua O Island et al 2015 2D Mater. 2 011002


2D materials advances: from large scale synthesis and controlled heterostructures to improved characterization techniques, defects and applications

Zhong Lin et al 2016 2D Mater. 3 042001


The Computational 2D Materials Database: high-throughput modeling and discovery of atomically thin crystals

Sten Haastrup et al 2018 2D Mater. 5 042002


On the origin of magnetic anisotropy in two dimensional CrI3

J L Lado and J Fernández-Rossier 2017 2D Mater. 4 035002


Production and processing of graphene and related materials

Claudia Backes et al 2020 2D Mater. 7 022001


A roadmap for electronic grade 2D materials

Natalie Briggs et al 2019 2D Mater. 6 022001


Recent progress of the Computational 2D Materials Database (C2DB)

Morten Niklas Gjerding et al 2021 2D Mater. 8 044002


Theory of zero-field superconducting diode effect in twisted trilayer graphene

Harley D Scammell et al 2022 2D Mater. 9 025027


Surface-engineered Ti3C2Tx MXene enabling rapid sodium/potassium ion storage

Yingying Zhao et al 2023 2D Mater. 10 014005


2D Materials

  • 2022年影响因子:5.5  Citescore:11
  • 2D Materials(2DM)创刊于2014年,是国际上二维材料领域的第一个学术期刊,是中国科协高质量科技期刊一区期刊,旨在报道二维材料研究及应用领域最具创新性和影响力的前沿科研成果,促进二维材料领域的学术成果交流。期刊立足于多学科视角,致力于涵盖石墨烯及其他二维材料相关研究的各个方面,包括二维材料的制备、表征、物理、性质研究及器件、能源、催化、复合材料等应用。
  • 期刊主编为中国科学院金属研究所任文才研究员,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家。主要从事石墨烯及其他新型二维材料的制备、物性及光电、储能、热管理、膜技术等应用研究。在Science、Nature Materials等期刊发表主要论文200多篇,被SCI他引36,000多次,是科睿唯安公布的全球高被引科学家。获发明专利100余项,孵化了3家高技术企业。获国家自然科学二等奖2项、辽宁省自然科学一等奖、何梁何利科技创新奖、全国创新争先奖等。