Communications in Theoretical Physics创刊40周年专刊出版

15 11月 2022 gabriels



1982年,彭桓武教授作为中国科学院理论物理研究所创始所长,与部分同事共同创办了Communications in Theoretical Physics期刊(CTP,《理论物理通讯》)。本期刊致力于促进中国和世界其他地区的研究人员在物理学各个方面理论思想的学术交流。彭教授担任主编七年,1989年由何祚庥教授接任,他也是创刊的倡议者之一。2013年,我从何教授手中接过接力棒,开始担任CTP的主编。









Mathematical Physics

Vector semi-rational rogon-solitons and asymptotic analysis for any multi-component Hirota equations with mixed backgrounds

Weifang Weng, Guoqiang Zhang, Shuyan Chen, Zijian Zhou and Zhenya Yan


High precision solutions to quantized vortices within Gross–Pitaevskii equation

Hao-Hao Peng, Jian Deng, Sen-Yue Lou and Qun Wang


Quantum Physics and Quantum Information

Realizing number recognition with simulated quantum semi-restricted Boltzmann machine

Fuwen Zhang, Yonggang Tan and Qing-yu Cai


Quantum dynamics of Gaudin magnets

Wen-Bin He, Stefano Chesi, Hai-Qing Lin and Xi-Wen Guan


A prototype of quantum von Neumann architecture

Dong-Sheng Wang


Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory

PV-reduction of sunset topology with auxiliary vector

Bo Feng and Tingfei Li


Nuclear Physics

Driving potential and fission-fragment charge distributions

Yuan Su, Min Liu and Ning Wang


Application of kernel ridge regression in predicting neutron-capture reaction cross-sections

T X Huang, X H Wu and P W Zhao


Unified neutron star EOSs and neutron star structures in RMF models

Cheng-Jun Xia, Toshiki Maruyama, Ang Li, Bao Yuan Sun, Wen-Hui Long and Ying-Xun Zhang


Gravitation Theory, Astrophysics and Cosmology

Cosmic inflation from broken conformal symmetry

Rong-Gen Cai, Yu-Shi Hao and Shao-Jiang Wang


The microstructure and Ruppeiner geometry of charged anti-de Sitter black holes in Gauss–Bonnet gravity: from the critical point to the triple point

Shao-Wen Wei and Yu-Xiao Liu


When null energy condition meets ADM mass

Run-Qiu Yang, Li Li and Rong-Gen Cai


Thawing k-essence dark energy in the PAge space

Zhiqi Huang


Statistical Physics, Soft Matter and Biophysics

Lateral predictive coding revisited: internal model, symmetry breaking, and response time

Zhen-Ye Huang, Xin-Yi Fan, Jianwen Zhou and Hai-Jun Zhou


The structural order of protein hydration water

Rui Shi


The effective hydrodynamic radius in the Stokes–Einstein relation is not a constant

Gan Ren (任淦)


Koopman analysis of nonlinear systems with a neural network representation

Chufan Li and Yueheng Lan


Modelling drying pathways of an evaporating soft matter droplet

Guangle Du, Fangfu Ye, Hao Luo, Guangyin Jing, Masao Doi and Fanlong Meng


Condensed Matter Theory

Fluctuation assisted collapses of Bose–Einstein condensates

Junqiao Pan, Yuqi Wang, Tao Shi and Su Yi



Bootstrapping Calabi–Yau quantum mechanics

Bao-Ning Du, Min-Xin Huang and Pei-Xuan Zeng


Topical Reviews

Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory

The dynamical holographic QCD method for hadron physics and QCD matter

Yidian Chen, Danning Li and Mei Huang


Two-Higgs-doublet models in light of current experiments: a brief review

Lei Wang, Jin Min Yang and Yang Zhang


Nuclear Physics

Relativistic Hartree–Fock model and its recent progress on the description of nuclear structure

W H Long (龙文辉), J Geng (耿晶), J Liu (刘佳) and Z H Wang (王之恒)


Effects of the tensor force on low-energy heavy-ion fusion reactions: a mini review

Xiang-Xiang Sun (孙向向) and Lu Guo (郭璐)


The Gamow shell model with realistic interactions: a theoretical framework for ab initio nuclear structure at drip-lines

Nicolas Michel, Jianguo Li and Furong Xu


QCD at finite temperature and density within the fRG approach: an overview

Wei-jie Fu


Gravitation Theory, Astrophysics and Cosmology

Chaotic shadows of black holes: a short review

Mingzhi Wang, Songbai Chen and Jiliang Jing


Statistical Physics, Soft Matter and Biophysics

Phase behaviors of ionic liquids attributed to the dual ionic and organic nature

Chenyu Tang (唐晨宇) and Yanting Wang (王延颋)


Communications in Theoretical Physics

  • 2021年影响因子:2.877  Citescore:3.6
  • Communications in Theoretical PhysicsCTP,《理论物理通讯》)创刊于1982年,由中国科学院理论物理研究所和中国物理学会主办。CTP致力于传播理论物理学的最新发展,涵盖数学物理;量子物理和量子信息;粒子物理和量子场论;核物理;引力理论、天体物理学和宇宙学;原子、分子、光学和等离子体物理、化学物理;统计物理、软物质和生物物理学;凝聚态理论等领域。