Submissions to this special issue should address the crucial roles of tropospheric organic compounds in atmospheric processes. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, theoretical studies elucidating the fundamental mechanisms governing the behavior of organic species, laboratory experiments simulating atmospheric conditions to understand their transformation and reactivity, and field measurements capturing real-world complexities. We encourage contributions that utilize modeling approaches to integrate theoretical frameworks with observational data, shedding light on the distribution, sources, fates, and impacts of organic compounds on air quality and climate. Additionally, papers exploring satellite studies providing a global perspective are highly encouraged, as are those focusing on the development of novel measurement techniques to enhance our analytical capabilities in this field.
作者可登入期刊主页进行在线投稿,选择“文章类型”(Letter/Paper/Topical Review),并在“选择特刊”的下拉框中选择“Focus on Atmospheric Organic Compounds”。