
06 3月 2023 gabriels



  • Jean Vasile Andrei,罗马尼亚科学院
  • Félix Puime Guillén,西班牙科鲁尼亚大学
  • Luminita Chivu,罗马尼亚科学院
  • Vasilii Erokhin,哈尔滨工程大学
  • Mile Vasic,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳商业工程与管理大学
  • Donatella Privitera,意大利卡塔尼亚大学
  • 高天明,哈尔滨工程大学
  • Ignacio de Los Rios Carmenado,西班牙马德里理工大学


Low-carbon economy transition, environmental neutral development, and the new normal, define major fundamental challenges for contemporary societies and economies. In contemporary economies, the transition towards climate neutrality and environmental neutral development may represent a unique opportunity to reduce systemic inequality and assure societal sustainable development. Promoting the synergies between the fundamentals of green economic growth, with low carbon and GHG emissions and the management of environmental neutral development policies is of fundamental importance for the fulfilment of the objectives of the new normal that also supports the means of sustainable economic development. Adapting the economy, and ensuring its resilience to the negative effects of climate change requires reducing society’s carbon footprint and achieving climate neutrality.
Fulfilling the objectives of a contemporary low-carbon economy transition and environmental neutral development, requires important efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change, to rebuild ecological and environmental capital, and to strengthen the resilience of social capital. This special issue considers an integrated approach to these effects; both short-term and long-term, and the influences on production systems, employment and production diversification, as well as other categories of associated factors.

This collection explores transitions to a low-carbon economy, how we promote green transitions, attract industrial investments, succeed on high-competitive energy markets, achieve climate neutral societies and green economy developments, green consumption, and environmental constraints for a more competitive and functional economy.

Contributions covering the following topics are encouraged:

  • Cleaner mobility and transport fuels
  • Climate and energy policy
  • Competitive transition
  • Decarbonisation
  • Emission trading systems and low-carbon economy transition
  • Environmental economics and business models
  • Environmental neutral development mechanism
  • Environment-related risks and impacts
  • Green transition
  • Industrial transformation and carbon pricing
  • Just transition towards environmentally sustainable development
  • Pollution control in contemporary economies
  • Transition towards a sustainability-centered economic and societal model





作者可登入期刊主页进行在线投稿,在“文章类型”中选择“特刊文章”,并在“选择特刊”的下拉框中选择“Focus on Contemporary Low-Carbon Economy Transition, Environmental Neutral Development and the New Normal”。



Environmental Research Communications

  • 2021年影响因子:3.237  Citescore: 2.6
  • Environmental Research Communications(ERC)是一本开放获取期刊,涵盖与环境研究相关的所有领域,包括跨学科和多学科的研究。ERC发表推动该领域知识的所有研究结果,包括增量研究、负面结果、无效结果、案例分析、区域性研究和复制研究。