
17 11月 2023 gabriels
Remote Sensing for Sustainable Society (Courtesy:



  • Muhammad Usman, 阿联酋扎耶德大学
  • Gayman Jeffry Joseph,日本北海道大学
  • Muhammad Sultan,巴基斯坦巴哈德因·扎卡里亚大学



To achieve targets related to sustainable development, one needs to address all three pillars (environment, social, and economic) together. Though different researchers work independently on the pillars of sustainable development, in order to achieve effective results, it is now time to establish a horizontal connection between them. Due to the exponential growth of the human population and the related rise in demand for necessities, natural resources are under severe pressure. Moreover, climate change resulting from the uncontrolled use of fossil fuels is further complicating the problem.

With the advancement of technology, we now have easy access to remote sensing data, allowing us to study natural resources, rising sea levels, extreme events (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, torrential rainfall, etc), urbanization, demographic variability, and so on. With the use of remote sensing data, one can assess the spatial and temporal differentials related to the environment and society and also estimate the related economic consequences. This is an inclusive issue in which we welcome contributions related to any pillar of sustainable development, preferably through the use of remote sensing data.

We welcome contributions mainly related to the following topics:

  • Remote Sensing of Environment and Climate Change
  • Remote Sensing of Oceans and Marine Life
  • Remote Sensing of Land and Infrastructure
  • Remote Sensing of Natural Disasters
  • Remote Sensing of Demography and Urbanization
  • Remote Sensing of Socio-economic Indicators





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Environmental Research Communications

  • 2022年影响因子:2.9  Citescore: 3.6
  • Environmental Research Communications(ERC)是一本开放获取期刊,涵盖与环境研究相关的所有领域,包括跨学科和多学科的研究。ERC发表推动该领域知识的所有研究结果,包括增量研究、负面结果、无效结果、案例分析、区域性研究和复制研究。