ERE特刊征稿|Climate Change and Permafrost Ecosystems

18 5月 2023 gabriels



  • Donatella Zona,美国圣地亚哥州立大学
  • Susanna Gartler,奥地利维也纳大学
  • Mathias Goeckede,德国马克斯·普朗克生物地球化学研究所
  • Annett Bartsch,奥地利b.geos公司
  • Scott Goetz,美国北亚利桑那大学


In recent years, there has been an increasing number of research projects attempting to include a human dimensions component and better link the scientific knowledge to solve real-life challenges. The need for trans-disciplinary approaches has been progressively recognized to better understand the impact of global warming on Northern high-latitude ecosystems, given the complexity of the multiple interacting processes. Several large-scale programs, including “Navigating the New Arctic” (supported by NSF) or “Nunataryuk” and “CHARTER” (supported by EU-H2020) have attempted to further our knowledge of how natural, human-built and social systems affect Arctic change, and how a changing Arctic will affect local and global systems.
However, most scientists are facing challenges in establishing these links given their training and expertise. The goal of this focus collection is to gather contributions from a wide range of fields that can facilitate establishing links among scientists with different backgrounds, including social scientists that are bringing a social dimension into the understanding of the impact of climate change in the Arctic.

This focus collection will gather work from a range of projects to facilitate the wider communication of scientific contributions reporting on topics such as:

  • Co-production of knowledge between scientists and local (Indigenous) communities
  • Impacts of permafrost degradation on surface hydrology, vegetation composition and productivity, and thus the carbon balance of Arctic ecosystems
  • Assessment of ways that changing vegetation structure, such as increased shrub and tree cover associated with warming and tree line migration, influences permafrost resilience or vulnerability
  • Impacts of permafrost degradation (thaw, erosion) on infrastructure stability (e.g., buildings, roads, airstrips), water quality, food security, health & wellbeing and mobility & supply
  • Impacts of permafrost degradation on culture, economy, planning, and recreation & being in nature

Particularly encouraged are submissions reporting on studies integrating multiple approaches within the same research project and novel ways to achieve this integration, as well as initiatives summarizing the scientific knowledge about climate change across the Arctic in layman terms, which can be used for communicating science to policymakers.





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Environmental Research: Ecology

  • Environmental Research: Ecology(ERE)是一本多学科、金色开放获取的期刊,致力于以关于全球变化、弹性、减轻和适应影响的兼具科学进展和评估的方式,解决在环境科学、大尺度生态学、生物多样性和保护的交界领域的重要全球挑战。本刊为促进环境科学家、生态学家、资源管理者和政策制定者的对话提供了论坛。本刊鼓励所有的研究方法,包括定量、定性、实验、理论和应用方法。本刊直至2023年底减免全部文章发表费用,即作者在此期间可以免费发文。