EREN特刊征稿|Decarbonizing Energy Systems of the Global South

- Edgar Virgüez,美国卡内基科学中心
- June Lukuyu,美国华盛顿大学
- Krishnapriya Perumbillissery,美国杜克大学
- Myriam Shiran,美国普渡大学
In the global discourse of a transition towards net-zero emissions energy systems, the focus often centres on the United States and countries of the European Union. Nonetheless, the success of the necessary energy transition depends on worldwide actions. In this context, understanding the barriers and challenges to decarbonizing energy systems in the Global South seems essential. This special issue focuses on research that expands our knowledge of the elements that must be addressed so that countries in the Global South can effectively transition towards decarbonized energy systems.
Potential topics of interest include the: characterization of the energy systems and transitions in the Global South; identification of the impacts of achieving an equitable and just transition to decarbonized energy systems in the Global South; unique policy and governance drivers that could accelerate the energy transition in the Global South; development of management tools and mechanisms that would enable the financial and technological transferences from the Global North to the Global South necessary to support the energy transition (also including South-South cooperation); climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies crucial for building resilience through reduced emissions. We especially invite authors to address research questions that highlight the unique challenges to decarbonize the Global South (Virguez, 2024).
Virgüez, E. (2024). Copy-and-paste fixes can’t decarbonize Global South cities (World View). Nature Cities, 1 (8).
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- Environmental Research: Energy是一本多学科、开放获取的期刊,致力于解决与能源相关的重要挑战,并在影响/未来风险、复原力、环境减缓、环境适应、环境安全和最广泛意义上的解决方案方面进行努力。