
- Parth Vaishnav,美国密西根大学
- Sherif Goubran,埃及开罗美国大学
The world has warmed by more than 1°C relative to a pre-industrial baseline. If current Paris Climate Accord pledges are realized, analysts expect another 1°C or so of warming. Current warming is already producing significant damages, and these will grow even if ambitious climate targets are realized. Consequently, society must adapt to significant climate induced changes, even as it seeks to mitigate even more harmful effects. The energy sector will be deeply affected as other sectors seek to meet these twin goals, even as the energy sector itself adapts and moves towards net-zero. In this focus issue, we welcome contributions that:
- Study trade-offs and synergies between adaptation and mitigation efforts within individual sectors
- Analyse the interactions where adaptation within one sector has implications for mitigation in another sector, or vice-versa
- Analyse the interactions between mitigation and adaptation efforts in different regions of the world
- Analyse the interactions between different categories of impact (e.g., where climate mitigation may interact with health or biodiversity impacts)
- Propose methods to streamline and optimize sectorial and cross-sectorial mitigation and adaptation efforts in different regions of the world for attaining a just energy transition.
This focus issue invites papers with analyses that synthesize insights from a range of disciplines including, but not limited to, engineering, climate science, ecology, economics, behavioural science, and policy. The goal is to produce insights that can inform no-regret actions in a world that must mitigate to prevent the worst effects of climate change even if it adapts to those that are unavoidable. While the focus of this special issue is energy, the co-editors specifically welcome submissions that adopt an interdisciplinary approach to the topic, and that address that provide insights relevant to geographic regions that are understudied.
作者可登入期刊主页进行在线投稿,在“文章类型”中选择“特刊文章”,并在“选择特刊”的下拉框中选择“Focus on Synergies between Adaptation and Mitigation for the Energy Transition”。

- Environmental Research: Energy是一本多学科、开放获取的期刊,致力于解决与能源相关的重要挑战,并在影响/未来风险、复原力、环境减缓、环境适应、环境安全和最广泛意义上的解决方案方面进行努力。