ERIS特刊征稿|Focus on Water Infrastructure

05 8月 2024 gabriels



  • Kasey M. Faust,美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
  • Keri K. Stephens,美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
  • Emily Kumpel,美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校
  • Franz Tscheikner-Gratl,挪威科技大学
  • Emily Berglund,美国北卡罗来纳州立大学



This focus issue explores the multifaceted challenges confronting water infrastructure management and operations. Embracing a multidisciplinary approach, we aim to bring scholars exploring water infrastructure performance and the interplay of the societal, environmental, economical, and technological contexts in which they operate in conversation with one another. This includes but is not limited to policy frameworks, workforce considerations, organizational and institutional factors, infrastructure asset management, climate adaptation, hazards, and end user perspectives. We hope to identify impact-driven problem statements that address some of our most pressing needs in this space, such as provision of equitable water services, workforce and operations challenges, innovative governance models, and inclusive and improved decision-making processes and support. This issue aims to advance knowledge, foster collaboration, and take action towards resilient, equitable, and sustainable water infrastructure systems and management practices.




作者可登入期刊主页进行在线投稿,在“文章类型”中选择“特刊文章”,并在“选择特刊”的下拉框中选择“Focus on Water Infrastructure: Operating in the Sociotechnical Interface”。



Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability

  • 2023年影响因子:2.7  Citescore:2.7
  • Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability(ERIS)是一本涵盖多学科的开放获取期刊,本期刊旨在发表针对各种规模和地理环境的基础建设及其相关系统所面临的各种挑战的研究,以及更广泛意义上的可持续性和持久性研究,包括环境、经济和社会因素等。我们欢迎包括定性、定量、实验性、理论及应用研究的所有方法学研究。