
11 3月 2024 gabriels



  • Christopher Chini,美国太平洋西北国家实验室
  • Rebecca Peer,新西兰坎特伯雷大学
  • Brian Tarroja,美国加利福尼亚大学


Energy infrastructure is undergoing a significant transition away from primary dependence on fossil fuel-based resources towards dependence on low- or zero-carbon energy resources. As this transition is taking place, energy infrastructure assets are subject to increasingly intense operating conditions from threats such as extreme weather events that threaten the reliable provision of energy services. These events are expected to become more intense under the progression of climate change.
The development of future energy infrastructure therefore must overcome the dual challenges of 1) transitioning to be comprised of new physical assets to facilitate low-carbon energy use while 2) simultaneously withstanding intensifying physical and natural threats to those assets and continuing to provide reliable access to energy services. While historical events have demonstrated vulnerabilities of existing energy infrastructure to physical and natural events in different regions of the world, the relationship between the clean energy system transition and the vulnerability to physical and natural events is not as well understood.This focus issue aims to bring together state-of-the-art research and/or experience from case studies that improve our understanding of the types and extents of vulnerabilities in current and future energy infrastructure configurations to intensifying physical and natural threats. This includes understanding what robust steps can be taken in planning future low-carbon energy infrastructure to reduce or eliminate these vulnerabilities. This is especially important as many regions are in the early stages of transforming their energy system and informed decision-making in these early stages can prevent or limit the long-term lock-in of certain types of vulnerabilities and reduce the cost of improving energy infrastructure resilience.

We are particularly interested in papers that provide insight into the following topics:

  • The dependence of energy system vulnerability to extreme weather events on the pathways chosen to construct future, low-carbon regional energy systems
  • The effect of compounding physical and natural threats and propagating impacts on current and future energy systems
  • Exploring what planning decisions can be made to both facilitate the low-carbon energy transition and maintain or improve energy system resilience against physical and natural threats
  • Elucidating the primary drivers of energy system vulnerability in different regions of the world and the variability in preferred strategies to reduce these vulnerabilities
  • Evaluating resilience decision-making of energy systems against social, economic, and environmental systems, including environmental justice
  • Frameworks and methods for more robustly incorporating risks from physical and natural threats into regional decision-making for energy infrastructure transformation





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Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability

  • Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability(ERIS)是一本涵盖多学科的开放获取期刊,本期刊旨在发表针对各种规模和地理环境的基础建设及其相关系统所面临的各种挑战的研究,以及更广泛意义上的可持续性和持久性研究,包括环境、经济和社会因素等。我们欢迎包括定性、定量、实验性、理论及应用研究的所有方法学研究。