
- Arie Staal,荷兰乌特勒支大学
- Bernardo M Flores,巴西圣卡塔琳娜联邦大学
- Marina Hirota,巴西圣卡塔琳娜联邦大学
The resilience of tropical forests and savannas determines how ongoing pressures of climate change, land use change and anthropogenic disturbances affect the future state of these ecosystems. Resilience, the capacity of ecosystems to persist or adapt in the face of disturbances, can be continuously reshaped by external stressors such as drought and by feedbacks with the environment. However, large uncertainties remain on the trajectories of tropical forests and savannas in the Anthropocene, such as regarding the role of different feedbacks in resilience and leverage points to avoid unwanted tipping of forests and savannas into degraded ecosystems. This Focus Issue aims to make an impactful contribution to the understanding of the resilience of tropical forest and savanna ecosystems against a backdrop of ongoing and future global change. We welcome contributions from a range of disciplines and on different spatial scales, including, but not limited to:
- Cross-scale analyses of global-change impacts on tropical forest and savanna resilience
- Qualitative and quantitative work on pathways to avoid undesired tipping points and build desired resilience in the tropics
- Insights on tropical ecosystem functioning after the occurrence of tipping points
- Theoretical or empirical analyses on mechanisms that prevent tipping points in tropical ecosystems
- Research on feedbacks relevant to tropical ecosystem structure and resilience
- Estimates of the effects of compounding disturbances on resilience and tipping points in tropical ecosystems
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- 2022年影响因子:6.7 Citescore: 10.1
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