ERL特刊征稿|Nature-based Solutions Toward Sustainability

29 8月 2023 gabriels



  • 乐旭,南京信息工程大学
  • 孙阁,美国农业部林务局
  • Mariska te Beest,荷兰乌得勒支大学
  • Jun Zhang,荷兰应用科学研究组织
  • Maricar Aguilos,美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学
  • 李香兰,北京师范大学
  • 林金泰,北京大学


The nature-based solutions (NbS) aim to achieve co-benefits for human well-being and ecosystems through effective actions, including practices and policies, in the management of natural and modified ecosystems. The application of NbS causes impacts on the carbon, water, and energy cycles among the Earth systems. In turn, the efficiency of NbS is influenced by environmental perturbations resulting from the dynamic interplay of climate change, societal factors, and technology advancements. To acquire a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and tradeoffs associated with NbS, emerging efforts are required for the integration of various methodologies, including direct measurements, remotely sensed information, Earth System Models (ESM), up-to-date analyses such as meta-analyses, numerical simulations, artificial intelligence, and cross-disciplinary investigations.
This special issue for Environmental Research Letters (ERL) provides an interdisciplinary outlet to advance the understanding of the effective roles of NbS by exploring feedback mechanisms within Earth systems. While not exhaustive, the proposed topics for this collection include:

  • Responses of diverse ecosystems to the climate, environment, and societal changes.
  • The role of NbS in enhancing land carbon sink strength and improving water quality and quantity, and other ecosystem services.
  • State of art in integrating cross-site and long-term measurements and modeling of ecosystem fluxes.
  • Advances in big data fusion, modeling, and integration technology through ESM and machine learnings.
  • The economical and societal benefits of NbS in context of ecosystem functions and dynamics.
  • Mechanistic understanding of coupling human and nature systems through the lens of climate, environment, and ecosystem interactions.




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Environmental Research Letters

  • 2022年影响因子:6.7  Citescore: 10.1
  • Environmental Research Letters(ERL)以金色开放获取模式出版,作者可选择将原始数据作为补充资料与文章一起发表。所有研究人员可以免费获取这些研究成果。ERL汇聚了关注环境变化及其应对的研究团体和政策制定团体的意见,涵盖了环境科学的所有方面,出版研究快报、综述文章、观点和社论。ERL顺应了环境科学的跨学科发表的趋势,反映了该领域相关的方法、工具和评估战略,得到了来自不同领域的广泛贡献。