Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement电子书作者访谈:F J Duarte

13 4月 2023 gabriels
近日,我们采访了Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement(Second Edition)一书的作者F J Duarte。点击下方视频,让我们一起看看他在IOP出版社的出版经历吧。


F J Duarte is a laser and quantum physicist based in the USA since the 1980s. He has extensive experience in the academic, industrial and defense sectors. He is an editor/author of 15 laser and quantum optics books and sole author of three books (Tunable Laser Optics, Quantum Optics for Engineers, and Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement). He has made key original contributions to the fields of narrow-linewidth tunable laser oscillators, nanoparticle solid-state laser materials, coherent emission from electrically-pumped organic semiconductors, and laser interferometry. He is also the author of the multiple-prism grating dispersion theory applicable to tunable lasers, laser pulse compression, and coherent microscopy. His contributions have been applied to numerous scientific fields from astronomy to nanophotonics. In 1987 he was elected Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics, and in 1993 he was elected Fellow of the Optical Society of America. Dr Duarte has been awarded the Engineering Excellence Award and the David Richardson Medal from the Optical Society (Optica). 





Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement (Second Edition)

  • 量子纠缠已经迅速成为学术界、工业界和政府研究机构非常感兴趣的研究主题。本书建立在第一版Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement的基础上,为研究生、科学家和工程师提供了更有洞察力的介绍。对于那些不知道量子纠缠的物理起源的从业者来说,这也是一个非常有用的教育工具:Dirac-Wheeler-Pryce-Ward物理学。新版包括对量子熵和量子时间等主题的扩展。这本书对量子纠缠的原理和物理提供了直接、实用和清晰的介绍,同时利用基于Dirac-Feynman叠加概率幅的干涉方法,是IOP出版社Coherent Sources, Quantum Fundamentals, and Applications图书系列中的一本。