Journal of Optics期刊公布2023年“青年领军人”获奖名单
在此,我们很荣幸地宣布JOPT期刊2023年“青年领军人”(Emerging Leaders 2023)的获奖者为方心远研究员。以下是他的获奖感言:
Xinyuan Fang
- Dr Xinyuan Fang is currently a Professor at the Institute of Photonic Chips at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. He received his PhD from Nanjing University (2018). His research interests focus on the physics, advanced photonic devices, and intelligent algorithms for manipulation of structured beams, as well as the applications in optical artificial intelligence. He has published 37 papers, including Science, Nature, Nature Photonics (x2),Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Comminutions, and one review paper in Advances in Optics and Photonics. His work has been featured as China’s 10 top scientific advances, et al.
Baoli Li et al 2023 J. Opt. 25 074001
Yang Chen
- Yang Chen, got his Bachelor and Ph.D. degree from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Then, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Missouri University of Science and Technology and National University of Singapore. In September 2021, he joined USTC as a professor and established an independent group mainly focused on nanophotonics, chiroptics, optoelectronics, etc. In recent years, he has published over 16 first-authored papers in top journals including: Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Physical Review Letter. He was selected as National Oversee Young Talents of China, Outstanding Young Talents of CAS and MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 (Asia & Pacific). He also serves as the Assistant Editor of Photonics Research.
Generation of nonlinear Airy beams with switchable acceleration direct
Dong Wu et al 2023 J. Opt. 25 07LT01
Samuel Beaulieu
- Samuel Beaulieu received a Ph.D. thesis in Physics (2018) under the joint supervision of INRS-EMT (Canada) and the University of Bordeaux (France), during which he studied, among other related topics, the attosecond dynamics of photoionization chiral molecules. He became interested in ultrafast electronic dynamics in two-dimensional materials, during a postdoctoral internship at the Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society, in Berlin (Germany). Since 2021, he has been a CNRS research fellow at the Center for Intense Lasers and Applications (CELIA) in Bordeaux (France), where he is developing research activities around time-, angle- and polarization-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of quantum materials.
Ultrafast polarization-tunable monochromatic extreme ultraviolet source at high-repetition-rate
Antoine Comby et al 2022 J. Opt. 24 084003
Naru Yoneda
- Dr. Naru Yoneda is a project assistant professor at Graduate School of System Informatics, Department of System Science, Kobe University and Center for Optical Scattering Image Science, Kobe University in Japan. Naru’s research interests include holographic memory, transport of intensity equation, optical scanning holography, single-pixel imaging, incoherent holography, and intensity interferometer. He received his PhD in 2022 and his thesis is titled “Multi-dimensional Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory Based on Holographic Spatial Light Modulation”. He is the first author of 15 peer-reviewed papers and has received 16 awards.
Spatially divided two-step phase-shifting method for computational optical scanning holography
Naru Yoneda and Osamu Matoba 2023 J. Opt. 25 124001
Zuojia Wang
- Dr. Zuojia Wang is a research professor of hundred talents program in Zhejiang University. He received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Zhejiang University in 2009 and 2016, respectively. He was a visiting scholar in Northeastern University. He has been an associate professor in 2017-2019, and professor in 2019-2020, in Shandong University. In 2020, he joined the College of Information and Electronic Engineering at Zhejiang University. His research interests include origami electromagnetics, metamaterials, chiral optics, microwave and millimeter wave devices. He has published more than 60 papers in various journals like Physical Review Letters, Science Advances, Advanced Materials and others.
Nonreciprocal coupling induced chiral absorption
Zuojia Wang et al 2023 J. Opt. 24 074002
- 2022年影响因子:2.1 Citescore: 4.1
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