JPhys Energy:2020年固态电池研究路线图

18 8月 2020 gabriels
2020 roadmap on solid-state batteries

Mauro Pasta, David Armstrong, Zachary L. Brown, Junfu Bu, Martin R Castell, Peiyu Chen, Alan Cocks, Serena A Corr, Edmund J Cussen, Ed Darnbrough


Li-ion batteries have revolutionized the portable electronics industry and empowered the electric vehicle (EV) revolution. Unfortunately, traditional Li-ion chemistry is approaching its physicochemical limit. The demand for higher density (longer range), high power (fast charging), and safer EVs has recently created a resurgence of interest in solid state batteries (SSB). Historically, research has focused on improving the ionic conductivity of solid electrolytes, yet ceramic solids now deliver sufficient ionic conductivity. The barriers lie within the interfaces between the electrolyte and the two electrodes, in the mechanical properties throughout the device, and in processing scalability. In 2017 the Faraday Institution, the UK’s independent institute for electrochemical energy storage research, launched the SOLBAT (solid-state lithium metal anode battery) project, aimed at understanding the fundamental science underpinning the problems of SSBs, and recognising that the paucity of such understanding is the major barrier to progress. The purpose of this Roadmap is to present an overview of the fundamental challenges impeding the development of SSBs, the advances in science and technology necessary to understand the underlying science, and the multidisciplinary approach being taken by SOLBAT researchers in facing these challenges. It is our hope that this Roadmap will guide academia, industry, and funding agencies towards the further development of these batteries in the future.


JPhys EnergyJPENERGY,《物理学报:能源》)是一本新发表的开放获取期刊,主要面向能源领域中应用物理科学各个领域的高质量研究。JPENERGY包含能源研究中最重要和最激动人心的进展,着重关注跨学科和多学科的研究。涵盖领域包括:电池和超级电容器;生物柴油和生物燃料;生物质和生物精炼厂;碳捕获和储存;气候变化;电催化和光催化;能源电网;能源收集装置;燃料电池;氢的制造和储存;生命周期评估;能源应用材料;核能;太阳能转换和光伏;能源和技术,可再生能源和化石燃料;水分解和人工光合作用等。