JPhys Energy特刊征稿|Focus on Bioenergy and Biofuels
- Pau-Loke Show,马来西亚诺丁汉大学
- Hassan Karimi-Maleh,伊朗古昌理工大学
- Chiaki Ogino,日本神户大学
- V. Ashok Kumar,泰国朱拉隆功大学
- 朱联东,中国武汉大学
This focus issue is showcasing high quality fundamental and applied advances in bioenergy and biofuels processing and utilisation. We welcome submissions on biomass conversion, biorefinery and energy processes and systems, where this is related to energy applications and not infrastructure and policy. Topics covered by this focus issue include:
- Biomass: sources, energy crop production processes, genetic improvements, composition
- Biological Residues: residues/rests from agricultural production, forestry and plantations, processing industries, and municipal sources
- Bioenergy Processes: fermentations, thermochemical conversions, liquid and gaseous fuels, and petrochemical substitutes
- Bioenergy Utilisation: direct combustion, gasification, electricity production, chemical processes, and by-product remediation
- Biomass and the Environment: carbon cycle, the net energy efficiency of bioenergy systems, assessment of sustainability, and biodiversity issues
- Harnessing energy from biological resources and feedstock development, including 1st – 4th generation biofuels, residual biomass and municipal waste
- Chemical, biochemical, bioelectrochemical and thermochemical conversion processes that produce mechanical energy, electricity or fuels (gaseous, liquid or solid)
We also welcome submissions on the performance characteristics of an energy conversion system and the source of inefficiencies, life cycle analysis, techno-economic performance, energy management, and environmental impacts.
特刊文章与JPhys Energy期刊常规文章遵循相同的审稿流程和内容标准,并采用同样的投稿模式。
作者可登入期刊主页进行在线投稿,在“文章类型”中选择“特刊文章”,并在“选择特刊”的下拉框中选择“Focus on Bioenergy and Biofuels”。
JPhys Energy(JPENERGY)是一本新发表的开放获取期刊,主要面向能源领域中应用物理科学各个领域的高质量研究。JPENERGY包含能源研究中最重要和最激动人心的进展,着重关注跨学科和多学科的研究。涵盖领域包括:电池和超级电容器;生物柴油和生物燃料;生物质和生物精炼厂;碳捕获和储存;气候变化;电催化和光催化;能源电网;能源收集装置;燃料电池;氢的制造和储存;生命周期评估;能源应用材料;核能;太阳能转换和光伏;能源和技术,可再生能源和化石燃料;水分解和人工光合作用等。