JPhys Materials研究路线图|促进女性健康的生物材料

28 12月 2022 gabriels
The application of engineering tools and techniques to studying women’s health, including biomaterials-based approaches, is a research field experiencing robust growth. Biomaterials are natural or synthetic materials used to repair or replace damaged tissues or organs or replicate an organ’s physiological function. However, in addition to in vivo applications, there has been substantial recent interest in biomaterials for in vitro systems. Such artificial tissues and organs are employed in drug discovery, functional cell biological investigations, and basic research that would be ethically impossible to conduct in living women. This Roadmap is a collection of 11 sections written by leading and up-and-coming experts in this field who review and discuss four aspects of biomaterials for women’s health. These include conditions that disproportionately but not exclusively affect women (e.g. breast cancer), conditions unique to female reproductive organs, in both non-pregnant and pregnant states, and sex differences in non-reproductive tissues (e.g. the cardiovascular system). There is a strong need to develop this exciting field, with the potential to materially influence women’s lives worldwide.


Roadmap on biomaterials for women’s health

Kaitlin Fogg, Ning-Hsuan Tseng, Shelly R Peyton, Pieper Holeman, Shannon Mc Loughlin, John P Fisher, Allison Sutton, Ariella Shikanov, Juan S Gnecco, Katrina M Knight, Emily M Slaby, Jessica D Weaver, Nicole N Hashemi, Yali Zhang, Michael D House, Brandon J Vogt, Brian A Aguado, John C Bradford, Jennifer L Robinson, Patricia K Thomas, Anthony G Lau and Michelle L Oyen


  • Michelle L Oyen,圣路易斯华盛顿大学


JPhys Materials

  • 2021年影响因子:5.847  Citescore:5.8
  • JPhys Materials(JPMATER)是一本新出版的开放获取期刊,涵盖材料研究中最重要和最激动人心的进展,着重关注跨学科和多学科研究,包括:生物和生物医学材料;碳材料;电子材料;能源和环境材料;玻璃和非晶态材料;磁性材料;金属和合金;超材料;纳米;有机材料;光子材料;聚合物和有机化合物;半导体;智能材料;软物质;超导体;表面、界面和薄膜等。