JPhys Photonics期刊公布2024年“青年领军人”获奖名单

24 1月 2025 gabriels
JPhys Photonics期刊汇聚了光子学领域最优秀的早期职业生涯研究人员,并将其杰出成果收录于“青年领军人”(Emerging Leaders)年度精选特刊中。该特刊将展示光子学领域中一些最令人兴奋的最新研究成果。“青年领军人”指的是在各自领域中处于顶尖水平的研究人员,他们需在2014年或之后完成博士学位(博士毕业10年内,不包括职业中断)。该特刊收录由期刊编辑委员会提名和自我推荐的早期职业生涯研究人员的研究文章。

每年特刊中最佳文章的作者将被授予“JPhys Photonics早期职业生涯研究人员奖”(JPhys Photonics Early Career Award),以表彰其杰出贡献。


2024年获奖者:Vincent Wanie和杨怡豪

2024年“青年领军人”的候选名单令人印象深刻,编辑委员会在评选最佳文章时面临艰难抉择。最终,有两位候选人获得了相同的选票。因此,我们非常高兴地宣布2024年“青年领军人”由Vincent Wanie(德国同步辐射电子加速器中心)和杨怡豪(中国浙江大学)共同获得!我们向两位获奖者及所有入选本年度杰出特刊的研究人员表示热烈祝贺!

期刊编辑委员会认为Vincent Wanie博士的研究“真正变革了飞秒紫外光谱领域的研究,具有重要意义”,并认可了他在文章发表中展现出的领导力以及其研究成果的影响力。




“2024年青年领军人特刊展示了光子学领域的精彩研究,充分反映了该领域目前的创新和活力。我很荣幸获得JPhys Photonics早期职业生涯研究人员奖,并为我们的成果在产生和应用几飞秒紫外光脉冲方面获得认可而感到激动。这些成果为飞秒科学开辟了新天地。我感谢整个团队,是他们的努力成就了这一切。”

——Vincent Wanie

“获得JPhys Photonics早期职业生涯研究人员奖是我职业生涯中的重要里程碑。我非常感谢编辑委员会的认可和支持。这一奖项不仅肯定了我们的研究,也激励我们继续在拓扑光子学和太赫兹技术领域拓展研究边界。我对未来充满期待,并相信我们的研究将对该领域产生深远的影响。”



我们同时也非常感谢其他候选人对JPhys Photonics期刊的支持!>>点击此处链接,查看2024年JPhys Photonics期刊“青年领军人”特刊文章。


Vincent Wanie

  • Vincent Wanie obtained a PhD in Energy and Materials Sciences from the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS, Université du Québec, Canada) in 2020, during which he was awarded the Vanier Canada Graduate fellowship. Since 2021, he is Staff Scientist at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Germany. His research focuses on the development and application of new laser-driven light sources with ultrashort time duration for attosecond science and the investigation of ultrafast phenomena in matter. Among his publications, he has notably contributed to the production and application of few-femtosecond ultraviolet light pulses for molecular spectroscopy, for which he also authored a book chapter. He is currently leading research activities on ultrafast molecular chirality in the CFEL-ATTO group at DESY.
  • Ultraviolet supercontinuum generation using a differentially-pumped integrated glass chip
  • Vincent Wanie et al 2024 J. Phys. Photonics 6 025005



  • Yihao Yang is an Assistant Professor at Zhejiang University, China. He received his PhD degree in Electronics Science and Technology at Zhejiang University, in 2017. From 2017 to 2020, he was a research fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His main research interests include metamaterials and topological/non-Hermitian photonics. He has published 80 papers in leading journals, including Nature, Nature Photonics, and Nature Physics, with citations 5,100 times. His works have been highlighted by Physics, Physics World, Physorg, and IEEE Spectrum, and selected as PRL Editors’ Suggestions three times. His work was selected as one of China’s Top 10 Optical Breakthroughs (2020) and Light 10 (2020, 2022). He was awarded MIT Technology Review ‘Innovators Under 35 China’ (2020) and NNSF Excellent Young Scientists (2021).
  • Topological THz on-chip valley–spin converter
  • Yudong Ren et al 2024 J. Phys. Photonics 6 045005

Giacomo Corrielli

  • Dr. Giacomo Corrielli is a senior researcher at the Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie (IFN-CNR) of the Italian National Research Council. His work centers on developing cutting-edge integrated photonic devices for quantum technologies, with a particular focus on femtosecond laser micromachining techniques. His expertise spans the fabrication of photonic circuits for quantum state manipulation, integrated quantum memories, and atomic vapor cells. Dr. Corrielli obtained his PhD in 2015 from Politecnico di Milano and has been a permanent staff researcher at IFN-CNR since 2018. He has co-authored over 40 peer-reviewed articles, holds two international patents, and leads multiple Italian and European research projects. In 2022, he co-founded Ephos, a startup dedicated to commercializing glass-based photonic circuits, where he serves as Head of Photonics.
  • Integrated thermo-optic phase shifters for laser-written photonic circuits operating at cryogenic temperatures
  • Francesco Ceccarelli et al 2024 J. Phys. Photonics 6 045023


  • Jian Wei You is currently a Professor and Chief Young Scientist in Southeast University, China. In 2022, he was awarded as the National Excellent Young Scientist in China. He received the Ph.D. degree from Southeast University in 2016, and served as a Research Associate in University College London, U.K. His research focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) in photonics, particularly utilizing AI for the intelligent design of photonic devices and employing meta-optics for the development of optical AI sensing, communication and computation. He has authored over 100 journal articles, and received Outstanding Young Award of the Optical Society of America.
  • MetaPhyNet: intelligent design of large-scale metasurfaces based on physics-driven neural network
  • Jian Lin Su et al 2024 J. Phys. Photonics 6 035010


Valeria Rodriguez-Fajardo

  • Dr. Valeria Rodriguez-Fajardo is a lecturer at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, investigating the use of structured light in classical and quantum optics. Since her undergrad in Physics, she has been working in optics, holding a Master’s in Optics from INAOE (Mexico), and a PhD in Photonics from ICFO (Spain). She further specialized in structured light during her postdoctoral fellowships at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) and Colgate University (USA). She has delved into various fields, including holography, plasmonics, optical trapping, optical metrology, and imaging. Valeria’s current interests are polarization optics and quantum imaging.
  • Experimental generation of scalar and vector vortex Pearcey–Gauss beams
  • Valeria Rodríguez-Fajardo et al 2024 J. Phys. Photonics 045015


Daniele Ancora

  • Daniele Ancora is a physicist from the Sapienza University of Rome who obtained a Ph.D. in Material Science and Technology at the University of Crete. His research focuses on developing image processing algorithms to improve the reconstruction of images under complex experimental settings, with particular emphasis on optical microscopy and disordered photonics. During his career, he was awarded three Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grants to fund his studies, focusing on autocorrelation-based image formation spanning from theoretical formulation to numerical simulation and experimental validation. His mixed background has led him to the light microscopy facility at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Rome as an ARISE fellow, pushing the development of novel calibration-free techniques in optical microscopy.
  • Image scanning microscopy reconstruction by autocorrelation inversion
  • Daniele Ancora et al 2024 J. Phys. Photonics 045003



  • Cuicui Lu is a professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology and a Young Changjiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education. Her research interests include topological photonics and nanophotonics. As the first or corresponding author she has published more than 60 papers in Physical Review Letters, Nature Communications, Science Advances, etc. She serves as a Topical Editor of Optics Letters, a young editorial board member of Chinese Optics Letters, APL Photonics, Chip.
  • Topological photonic encoder based on the disclination states
  • Guoxiang Si et al 2024 J. Phys. Photonics 6 035006


JPhys Photonics

  • 2023年影响因子:4.6  Citescore: 10.7
  • JPhys Photonics(JPPHOTON)是一本新出版的开放获取期刊,面向物理学中应用于光子学各个领域的高质量研究。期刊包含光子学研究中最重要和最激动人心的进展,着重关注跨学科和多学科的研究。涵盖领域包括:生物光子学和生物医学光学;能源和绿色技术应用,包括光伏;成像、检测和传感;光物质相互作用;光源,包括激光器和LED;纳米光子学;非线性和超快光学;光通信和光纤;光数据存储;光电子学、集成光学和半导体光子学;光子材料、超材料和工程结构;等离子体技术;传播,相互作用和行为;量子光子学和光学等。