- 吴建达,上海交通大学
- 管习文,中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院
- Zhe Wang,多特蒙德工业大学
Characterizing the ground state ordering is one of the key themes in the study of strongly-correlated systems, a goal usually achieved in terms of an appropriate set of order parameters. While valuable knowledge on the ground states is achieved in this way, an enormous amount of information is carried however by the excitations of quantum many-body systems above these ground states.
Much of this exciting physics can only be unveiled through dynamic correlation functions and a dynamic probe thereof. This can be mainly attributed to the almost infinite large Hilbert space of excitations such that novel emerging physics is largely characterized only via dynamic excitations of the system. Indeed, even when just a portion of excitations, regardless of gaped or gapless, come into play, a splendid view of hidden jungles arises with a variety of exciting emergent physics: exotic non-Fermi-liquid behavior and high-temperature superconductivity surfaces near quantum critical point and novel massive Bethe string excitations are revealed and confirmed in the gapless region of the Heisenberg-Ising chain as well as novel fractional excitations in dynamical structure factor of Fermi gases.
There has recently been a surge in publications relating to dynamics in (quasi) one-dimensional quantum many-body systems and this special issue will be the first collection of articles on this topic. It is intended to give a broad overview over the many aspects of dynamics in (quasi) one-dimensional quantum many body systems for the wider community in both theoretical and experimental physics and will aim to provide guidance for future experiments on relevant materials.
The issue will be open to submissions until 15 December 2022 and you can submit manuscripts through ScholarOne Manuscripts. All papers will be refereed according to the usual high standards of the journal.
作者可登入期刊主页进行在线投稿,在“文章类型”中选择“特刊文章”,并在“选择特刊”的下拉框中选择“Dynamical response in (quasi) one-dimensional quantum many-body systems”。
- 2021年影响因子:2.331 Citescore: 4
- Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical(JPhysA)每年出版50期,针对运用数学结构来描述物理世界的基本过程,并探索这些结构的分析、计算和数值方法。期刊内容涵盖:统计物理;非平衡系统、计算方法和现代平衡理论;混沌和复杂系统;数学物理;量子力学和量子信息理论;场论和弦理论;流体和等离子体理论;生物模型等方面。文章类型包括原创性论文和综述,以及关注于热点研究的专题综述和特刊,提供及时、全面的纵览。