JPhysD特刊征稿|Special Issue on Label-free Bioimaging

Clockwise from top left: Optical diffraction tomography revealing the refractive index distribution of a cell phantom. Taken from He et al. Optics Letters 48 (2023); Interferometric scattering microscopy of gold nanoparticles; Wide-field laser speckle contrast imaging of a mouse brain. Taken from Liu et al. Biomedical Optics Express 14 (2023); Image of a sheep’s small intestine captured via multimode fibre endoscopy. Taken from Wen et al. Nature Photonics 17 (2023). Image courtesy of the guest editors from their publications or experimental images.
- Tong Ling,新加坡南洋理工大学
- Ishan Barman,美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学
- 周仁杰,香港中文大学
- Xiaojun Cheng,美国波士顿大学
- 杨青,浙江大学
As research in biological systems transitions from structural imaging to spatiotemporal dynamics, label-free bioimaging emerges as an indispensable tool for pioneering scientific discoveries. Moreover, recent advancements in computational imaging and machine learning are paving the way for revealing hidden correlations in extensive time-elapsed recordings and leveraging prior knowledge to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. Such progress is poised to enhance the effectiveness of label-free bioimaging techniques, offering both improved performance and reduced costs.
In this focus collection, we will highlight the latest developments in label-free bioimaging across all facets, from fundamental principles and image processing techniques to applications in biology and medicine. The topics covered in this focus issue include, but are not limited to:
- Development of label-free imaging systems, such as Quantitative Phase Imaging, Polarization Imaging Microscopy, Interferometric Scattering Microscopy, Optical Coherence Tomography, Dynamic Light Scattering, Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging, Raman Spectroscopy, Autofluorescence Imaging, Second-harmonic Generation and Third-harmonic Generation Microscopy, Photothermal Imaging;
- Biomedical applications of label-free bioimaging techniques;
- Imaging theory/physics;
- Image processing and machine learning approaches;
- Translational research.
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- 2023年影响因子:3.1 Citescore: 6.8
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics(JPhysD,《物理学报D:应用物理》)发表应用物理各领域的前沿研究和综述,具体包括:应用磁学和磁性材料、半导体和光子学、低温等离子体和等离子表面相互作用、凝聚态物理、表面科学和纳米结构、生物物理以及能源等六个领域。文章类型包括原创性论文、研究路线图、通讯以及每年针对热点研究的专题综述和特刊。