IOP出版社主办的国际量子奖在线研讨会定于北京时间2023年5月25日周四20:00线上召开。会议将由国际量子奖评审团主席、中国科学技术大学陆朝阳教授主持。本次研讨会邀请了“国际量子技术青年科学家奖”的获奖者——中国科学技术大学的徐飞虎和“国际量子技术新锐研究人员奖”的获奖者——德国雷根斯堡大学的Annabelle Bohrdt作为嘉宾,分享其获奖方向的研究内容和进展。欢迎大家免费注册参会,参与讨论!
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- Chao-Yang Lu is a professor of physics at the University of Science and Technology of China. His research interest includes quantum foundations, quantum computation, and quantum optics.
- Feihu Xu has been a tenured professor of Physics at USTC since 2021. Before joining USTC in 2017, he was a postdoctoral associate at MIT in 2015-2017. He received Ph.D from University of Toronto in 2015. He works mainly on quantum communication and single-photon imaging, and has co-authored more than 100 journal papers including RMP, Nature, Nat. Photon. etc. He is the recipient of Optica Fellow in 2022, Changjiang Scholar in 2021, Xplorer Prize in 2021, Early Career Award (by IOP-NJP) in 2020, Outstanding Dissertation Award (by OCPA) in 2015. He serves as the steering committee of QCrypt and an associate editor of npj Quantum Information.
- 报告题目:Secure quantum communication in a large scale
- 报告摘要:The quantum internet is a long-term scientific vision, but the key challenges to achieving global quantum internet are security, practicality and distance. I will address our recent efforts to solve these challenges. I will primarily talk the progress on the measurement-device-independent and device-independent QKD protocols, the high rate chip-based quantum communication, the large-scale satellite-ground integrated quantum network and so forth.
Annabelle Bohrdt
- Annabelle Bohrdt is a theoretical physicist aiming for a microscopic understanding of strongly correlated quantum systems by developing new analysis tools. In her research, she combines numerical methods, intuitive physical pictures, close collaboration with quantum simulation experiments, and machine learning techniques. She obtained her doctoral degree from Technical University Munich (Germany). During her PhD, Annabelle spent two years as an exchange student in the group of Eugene Demler at Harvard. From 2021 to 2023, she was an independent ITAMP postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. Since 2023, she is a professor for theoretical physics at the University of Regensburg, Germany.
- 报告题目:A brief tour through the Fermi-Hubbard phase diagram via snapshots
- 报告摘要:In quantum many-body physics, we aim to understand and predict the exciting phenomena emerging from the interactions of many quantum particles. In the regime where numerical simulations become challenging and analytical insights are rare, quantum simulation experiments can provide a possible route to explore these systems. The native measurements of quantum gas microscopes are single site resolved, projective measurements of the quantum many-body state. In this talk I will use the paradigmatic Fermi-Hubbard model, a conceptually simple model of interacting fermionic particles, as an example to highlight different approaches to gain insights into quantum many-body problems from such quantum snapshots. The Fermi-Hubbard model is believed to capture many ingredients necessary to describe the physics of the cuprate materials, which exhibit high-temperature superconductivity, and has therefore been studied extensively. Snapshots as obtained from quantum simulation experiments provide a new perspective on this model, and allow for the evaluation of completely new observables. I will discuss novel ways to analyze such snapshots, ranging from non-local transformations to perform Hamiltonian reconstruction, to pattern search algorithms and machine learning approaches.
- 2021年影响因子:6.568 Citescore:11.5
- Quantum Science and Technology(QST)是一本多学科、高影响力的期刊,致力于出版涵盖所有量子技术科学和应用的高质量和重要的研究。QST涵盖应用数学、凝聚态物质、量子光学、原子物理和材料科学的各个领域,并涉及到化学、生物学、工程学、计算机科学和机器学习。除了定期的原创研究外,QST还出版专题综述和征集热点问题文章的特刊,从而对该领域最新和最有趣的研究进行概述。