开放注册|Journal of Optics期刊创刊25周年在线研讨会:结构光场及应用

29 4月 2024 gabriels


由IOP出版社Journal of Optics (JOPT)期刊主导的结构光场及应用(Structured Light Fields and Applications)在线研讨会,将于北京时间2024年5月11日周六14:00召开。在庆祝即将到来的国际光日以及JOPT期刊创刊25周年之际,主编Andrew Forbes教授将介绍期刊,期刊编委北京大学的刘运全教授将担任本次研讨会的主席。同时还邀请了来自上海理工大学的詹其文教授、南洋理工大学的申艺杰助理教授、电子科技大学的杨元杰教授和北京大学的施可彬教授作为演讲人报告最新前沿研究,并与研究人员展开在线讨论。欢迎大家免费注册参会,参与讨论!







刘运全  教授


  • Yunquan Liu, Baoya Professor, Peking University. He obtained PhD from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science in 2006. In 2006-2008, he was postdoc in Max-Planck-Institute of Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. He Joined Peking University in 2009 and was promoted to be full tenured professor in 2015. His group has focused on the fundamental processes of atoms and molecules exposed to ultrafast laser pulses, i.e., multi-photon ionization, tunneling ionization, nonsequential double (multiple) ionization, high harmonic generation and Coulomb explosion of molecules etc.


Andrew Forbes  教授


  • Andrew has at various times in his career found himself as teacher, janitor, secretary, receptionist, web-master, systems engineer, sales rep, manager, director, and sometimes a scientist. Andrew is presently a Distinguished Professor within the School of Physics at the U. Witwatersrand (South Africa) where in 2015 he established a new laboratory for Structured Light. Andrew is active in promoting photonics in Africa, a founding member of the Photonics Initiative of South Africa and initiator of South Africa’s Quantum Roadmap. He is a Fellow of SPIE, the OSA (now Optica), the SAIP, and an elected member of the Academy of Science of South Africa. He holds an A-rating by the South African NRF, 3 honorary professorships, is editor-in-chief of the UK’s Journal of Optics and sits on the editorial board of three other international journals. Andrew has won several awards, including the NSTF national award for his contributions to photonics in South Africa, the Georg Forster prize from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for outstanding contributions to photonics, and the SAIP Gold Medal, the highest award for physics in South Africa, making him the youngest winner to date. Most recently he was awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Research Award, the highest award for research from the university. Andrew spends his time having fun with the taxpayers’ money, exploring structured light in lasers as well as classical and quantum optics.


詹其文  教授


  • Dr. Qiwen Zhan is Distinguished Professor of Nanophotonics at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. He received BS in Physics (optoelectronic) from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1996 and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 2002. He has published 1 book, 9 book chapters, more than 300 journal and conference publications, delivered many conference presentations and invited talks/lectures/seminars, and possessed 6 US patents/patent applications. Dr. Zhan is an Associate Editor for Science Bulletin, Associate Editor-in-Chief for PhotoniX, Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports, Chinese Optics Letters, and elected Fellow of the OPTICA (formerly OSA) and Fellow of the SPIE.
  • 报告题目:Spatiotemporal Vortices of Light
  • 报告摘要:Spatiotemporal vortices of light featuring transverse orbital angular momentum and energy circulation in the spatiotemporal domain have received increasing attention recently. Controllable experimental generation of these vortices has triggered rapidly increasing interests in this field. This talk will provide an overview of the latest developments of spatiotemporal vortices of light ranging from theoretical foundations, experimental generation schemes, characterization methods, to potential applications. These spatiotemporal vortices and the exotic topology constructed with them may pave the way to the discovery of novel physical mechanisms and new applications with broad aspects.

申艺杰  助理教授


  • Yijie Shen is an Assistant Professor in School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences & School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. He was previously a Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow in Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK. He received the Ph.D. degree in optical engineering at the Department of Precision Instrument, Tsinghua University, China, in 2019. He received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and automation from South China University of Technology, China, in 2015. During Mar.-Jun. 2019, he was invited as a visiting researcher in School of Physics (https://structured-light.org/), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. He was recognized as members of the Chinese Optical Society, Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Optical Society of America, the Wang Da-Heng Optics Award in 2019, an honorary Rosalind Member of London Journals Press in 2021. He has published more than 70 papers in high-impact journals with >3600 citations (H-index of 28).
  • 报告题目:Spatiotemporal Topological Light Fields
  • 报告摘要:Topological complex electromagnetic waves give access to nontrivial light-matter interactions and provide additional degrees of freedom for information transfer. For instance, topologically stable quasiparticles or skyrmions have been demonstrated in quantum fields, solid-state physics, and magnetic materials, but only recently observed in spatiotemporal light fields, triggering fast expanding research across different spectral ranges and applications. Here I introduce an extended family of photonic skyrmions within a unified framework, starting from fundamental theories to experimental generation and topological control in spatiotemporally structured light. I will further highlight generalized classes of optical topological quasiparticles beyond skyrmions and outline their exotic topological robust properties, emerging applications, future trends, and open challenges. A complex vectorial field structure of optical quasiparticles with versatile topological characteristics controlled in ultrasmall and ultrafast space-time domain emerges as an important feature in modern spin-orbital optics, imaging and metrology, optical informatics, and topological and quantum technologies.

杨元杰  教授


  • Yuanjie Yang is currently a professor and the Vice Dean at the School of Physics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He got his PhD degree from Sichuan University in 2008, and after that he had ever carried out postdoctoral research at University of St Andrews (UK), University of York (UK) and National University of Singapore. His research interest mainly focuses on optical vortex beams, orbital angular momentum, electron vortex beams and optical trapping. He has published more than 70 papers including Physical Review Letters, Science, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Nanophotonics, Optics Letters, etc.
  • 报告题目:Generation of OAM and its application in optical manipulation
  • 报告摘要:Vortex beams, namely, twisted light beams with spiral phase front, is inherent to any wave phenomena. In the past three decades, the orbital angular momentum (OAM) of vortex beams has found numerous applications, including optical manipulation, quantum information processing, quantum cryptography, free-space information transfer and communications. Therefore, generating and measuring of OAM are crucial for all the fields associated with vortex beams. In this talk, firstly, I will give a brief review of our recent works on the generation and manipulation of structured beams, including the fundamental superposition and selection principle of OAM in the rotationally symmetrical systems, the generation of and deuterogenic plasmonic vortices, and the generation of OAM by diffraction of circular aperture, etc. Secondly, I will introduce the optical tweezers using vortex beams carrying OAM. For example, the optical tweezers with ultrashort pulsed beams, based on the spin-to-angular momentum conversion. Using this technique, we got the rotation of metallic nanoparticles with orbital radius of 71 nm, to our knowledge, the smallest orbital radius obtained by optical trapping thus far. Meanwhile, the circumgyration frequency of particles in water can be more than 1 kHz, the fastest record as well. Lastly, I will introduce a novel optical manipulation, namely, mind controlled optical manipulation.

施可彬  教授


  • Dr. Shi received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Nankai University in 1998 and 2001 respectively. He received his Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University in 2007. Dr. Shi joined faculty members at Peking University in the Institute of Modern Optics in July 2011. His research focuses on developing high resolution photonic systems and devices based on ultrafast/nonlinear optical principles for spectroscopy, imaging and applications. His recent research interests include super-resolution imaging, nonlinear holography and femto-second frequency comb metrology. He currently serves as a co-chair of conference committee for “Ultrafast Imaging and Spectroscopy Conference” at SPIE Optics + Photonics meeting. He has authored or coauthored more than 100 refereed journal papers with over 3000 citations (h-index: 30), and has delivered over 50 invited talks/seminars in international or domestic conferences/universities. His scientific achievements also include 13 granted patents. He serves in editorial board of Photonics Research.
  • 报告题目:High Resolution Optical Imaging Enabled by Field Engineering-from Physics to Engineering
  • 报告摘要:Optical imaging has been playing important roles in modern physics and engineering. The unique capability of high resolution in both temporal and spatial dimensions make optical imaging technologies essential elements in various interdisciplinary researches. Many outstanding imaging technologies are developed based on the fusion of basic optical-physics mechanisms and engineering implementations. In this talk, the introduction to fundamental concepts enabling highly spatiotemporal resolution will be discussed, followed by the examples in engineering applications including novel fluorescence imaging, chemical imaging and super-resolution optical tomographic microscopy.


Journal of Optics

  • 2022年影响因子:2.1  Citescore: 4.1
  • Journal of Optics(JOPT)出版光学方面的实验和理论研究论文,研究领域包括:纳米光子学和等离激元光子学;超构材料和结构化光子材料;量子光子学;生物光子学;光与物质的相互作用;非线性和超快光学;光的传播、衍射和散射;信息和通信光学;集成光学;光伏和能量收集。除原创性研究外,JOPT还出版专题综述,为研究人员带来高质量的内容。所有JOPT文章还提供HTML阅读模式,方便研究人员使用手机或平板进行阅读。