免费阅读Effective Science Communication电子书并参与在线研讨会

除此之外,IOP出版社与本书的作者之一Sam Illingworth将在5月17日北京时间19点至20点举办本书的在线研讨会。无论您处于何种职业阶段,都可以加入我们,了解更多与同事及外部合作伙伴交流科学知识。我们将寻求有效地分享您的研究工作,增强您研究的影响,并支持公众对科学的更深层次理解。欢迎大家点击此处链接免费注册参会,参与讨论!

Sam Illingworth 副教授
- Sam Illingworth is an Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University, where his work and research focus on using poetry and games as a way of developing dialogues between scientists and other publics. He is also an award-winning science communicator, poet, games designer, Principal Fellow of Advance HE (PFHEA), Chief Executive Editor of Geoscience Communication, and the founder of Consilience, the world’s first peer-reviewed science and poetry journal. Find out more about Sam and his work via his website www.samillingworth.com.
Grant Allen 教授
- Grant Allen is a Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Manchester. His research interests include pollution, greenhouse gas measurement methods, and remote sensing. After graduating with a PhD in satellite remote sensing at Leicester University in 2005, Grant was a postdoc at the University of Manchester, investigating tropical convection and pollution transport and chemistry. Grant received a Natural Environment Research Council Fellowship and became a lecturer in 2011, becoming a senior lecturer in 2013, reader in 2016, and professor in 2019. Grant has received over £10M in funding, with over 100 publications in high-impact journals. In 2012 he wasawarded a Royal Society Westminster Pairing Fellowship to shadow a Member of Parliament to understand the science-policy interface. Grant has also featured inscience documentaries on atmospheric phenomena and has been interviewed manytimes live on BBC and Sky News channels discussing topics from volcanic eruptionsto flooding, and has provided commentary to hundreds of pieces of science journalism. He has served as an editor for several journals and sits as a core member on several UK and international research funding panels.

- Effective Science Communication (Third Edition)是一本为处于职业生涯各个阶段的科学家量身定制的重要手册,旨在提高他们面向内部和面向外部的沟通技巧。该书章节设置详尽,每一章节均聚焦科学传播的不同层面,涵盖从在同行评审的期刊发表学术成果到与媒体互动等多元化内容。该书巧妙融合了理论见解与实践练习,旨在帮助科学家建立沟通科学研究的自信与能力。本指南旨在助力科学家高效分享研究成果,扩大其影响力,同时深化公众对科学的认识。通过这种方式,本书致力于缩小科学界与整个社会之间的距离,推动科学成为知识型公民和社会进步的基石。