MLST特刊征稿|Focus on Generative AI in Science

- Juan Felipe Carrasquilla,加拿大Vector研究所
- Stephen R. Green,英国诺丁汉大学
- 王磊,中国科学院物理研究所
- 张林峰, 深势科技/北京科学智能研究院
- 张潘,中国科学院理论物理研究所
“What I can not create, I do not understand” – Richard Feynman
Unlike “discriminative” learning such as image recognition, “generative” learning aims at modeling the generation process of data, finding out governing latent variables, and creating new data samples. Generative learning has unprecedented potential in modeling scientific data and inverse matter design. Generative AI is actually not an alien technique to scientists because many generative models actually have their physics genes. In fact, generative models have been seamlessly integrated into scientific computing which enabled solid advances in statistical physics and molecular simulations.
With the rapid development of generative AI and deep integrations of generative models in scientific research, we anticipate new ideas and significant achievements emerging over the horizon. We welcome submissions of roadmaps, reviews, and research articles in the field of generative AI in science to MLST.
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
- Large language model for science
- Generative matter design: molecules, proteins, and materials
- Generative models for parameter estimation
- Generative models for inverse problems
- Generative models for sampling and simulation
- Symmetries in generative models
- Variational calculus in generative modeling
- Collective variables discovery
- Transportation and diffusion-based generative models
- Transition path sampling and generative models
- Physics-inspired generative models
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- 2021年影响因子:6.013 Citescore:4.2
- Machine Learning: Science and Technology (MLST)是一本跨学科期刊,致力于发表智能机器在物理、材料科学、化学、生物学、医学、地球科学、天文学和工程学等多学科领域的应用和发展。涉及领域包括:物理学和空间科学;设计和发现新材料和分子;材料表征技术;模拟材料、化学过程和生物系统;原子和粗粒度模拟;量子计算;生物学、医学和生物医学成像;地球科学(包括自然灾害预测)和气候学;模拟方法和高性能计算。同时,也包括机器学习方法在概念上的新进展:新的学习算法;深度学习架构;核心方法;概率和贝叶斯方法;生成方法;强化和主动学习;经常性和基于时间结构的方法;神经启发方法(包括神经形态计算)。