MQT特刊征稿|Emerging Leaders 2023
Materials for Quantum Technology is pleased to bring together the work of the best early-career researchers in the field in a new annual collection dedicated to emerging leaders.
The collection will present key new work from across the journal’s scope.
An emerging leader is defined as a top researcher in their field who completed their PhD within the last 10 years (excluding career breaks).
A limited number of early career researchers will be nominated by the journal’s Editorial Board. We also encourage direct submissions from talented researchers who meet the emerging leader criteria.
All published contributors will have the opportunity to present their work at an online webinar hosted by the journal team.
The author of the best paper from each year’s intake will be presented with the Materials for Quantum Technology Early Career Award in recognition of their outstanding contribution.
What are we looking for?
Each contribution must:
- Be an original research article.
- Not replicate a previous study.
- Make a significant advance or impact in the field of research.
- Demonstrate a high level of technical and scientific rigour.
作者可登入期刊主页进行在线投稿,在“文章类型”中选择“特刊文章”,并在“选择特刊”的下拉框中选择“Emerging Leaders 2023”。
- Materials for Quantum Technology(MQT,量子技术材料)是一本全新的采用开放获取出版形式的多学科期刊,致力于出版量子技术和器件领域相关材料的开发和应用的前沿研究。期刊的内容范围将汇集学界与业界中来自材料科学、化学和工程的跨学科研究。具体领域包括:量子技术应用中材料和界面的制备与表征;混合量子系统材料;量子传感和计量材料;量子光学和光子学材料;量子比特系统的材料;用于量子计算和量子电子学的新型材料和设备;量子技术化学;量子技术应用新材料的理论和计算设计;量子材料的涌现特性及其应用。