
- 陆朝阳,中国科学技术大学
- 芮 俊,中国科学技术大学
- 何琼毅,北京大学
- 刘骏秋,深圳国际量子研究院
- Nana Liu,上海交通大学
- 马雄峰,清华大学
- 王大伟,浙江大学
Quantum computers promise to perform certain tasks that are believed to be intractable on classical computers. In recent years, the first milestone in quantum computing, the quantum computational advantage over classical computations, has already been demonstrated on several experimental platforms. However, due to the temporary limitations in precision and scale of current quantum hardware, near-term quantum computing is restricted to the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) regime.
Even though universal quantum computing is still far out of reach, quantum computing for specialized problems still finds many intriguing applications. Recent applications include, but are not restricted to, the areas of quantum simulation, quantum metrology, quantum chemistry, quantum optimization and machine learning, for either pedagogical purposes or industrial interests. Rapid progress in physically realizing these applications involve multiple candidates, including superconducting circuits, trapped ions, optical photons, ultracold neutral atoms, and quantum dots. Joint theoretical efforts also play a vital role in pushing this vibrant field forward.
This QST focus collection has been organized in collaboration with the 2022 World Young Scientist Summit (WYSS) and the IOP Quantum 2022 workshop. This collection offers an interdisciplinary arena to discuss the progress, challenges, opportunities in quantum computing, metrology and simulation. We also want to bring together new quantum theories that boosts our understanding of the capabilities of quantum computation and sensing and/or suggests new applications.
Authors presenting their research at the WYSS workshop may be directly invited to submit to this focus issue. However, the Editors welcome proposals and submissions from the community. If you believe you have a suitable research article in preparation, please send your pre-submission query either to the journal publishing team at qst@ioppublishing.org or via the Guest Editors listed above.
作者可登入期刊主页进行在线投稿,在“文章类型”中选择“特刊文章”,并在“选择特刊”的下拉框中选择“Focus on Recent Progress in Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation”。

- 2021年影响因子:6.568 Citescore:11.5
- Quantum Science and Technology(QST)是一本多学科、高影响力的期刊,致力于出版涵盖所有量子技术科学和应用的高质量和重要的研究。QST涵盖应用数学、凝聚态物质、量子光学、原子物理和材料科学的各个领域,并涉及到化学、生物学、工程学、计算机科学和机器学习。除了定期的原创研究外,QST还出版专题综述和征集热点问题文章的特刊,从而对该领域最新和最有趣的研究进行概述。