全新期刊Environmental Research: Energy发表第一期文章

11 5月 2024 gabriels
我们很高兴地宣布,由IOP出版社推出的全新期刊——Environmental Research: Energy(EREN)发表了第一期文章EREN期刊发表关于清洁和可持续能源的最新研究,是IOP出版社2023年推出的开放获取环境研究系列(Environmental Research series)最新期刊之一。该系列以Environmental Research Letters (ERL)的良好声誉为基础,拥有卓越的作者服务水平、包容的编辑政策和严格的质量保证,并坚持以开放科学原则为核心。




Introducing Environmental Research: Energy—advancing interdisciplinary understanding of energy systems during decarbonization

Emily Grubert



Residential precooling on a high-solar grid: impacts on CO2 emissions, peak period demand, and electricity costs across California

Stepp Mayes, Tong Zhang and Kelly T Sanders


Residential electricity demand on CAISO Flex Alert days: a case study of voluntary emergency demand response programs

McKenna Peplinski and Kelly T Sanders


An open-source framework for balancing computational speed and fidelity in production cost models

Kerem Ziya Akdemir, Konstantinos Oikonomou, Jordan D Kern, Nathalie Voisin, Henry Ssembatya and Jingwei Qian


Comparative modeling of cost-optimal energy system flexibility for Swedish and Austrian regions

Érika Mata, Nicolas Pardo Garcia, Demet Suna, Burcu Unluturk, Anton Jacobson and Olga Lysenko


High-resolution, open-source modeling of inland flooding impacts on the North Carolina bulk electric power grid

Luis Prieto-Miranda and Jordan D Kern


Environmental Research: Energy

  • Environmental Research: Energy是一本多学科、开放获取的期刊,致力于解决与能源相关的重要挑战,并在影响/未来风险、复原力、环境减缓、环境适应、环境安全和最广泛意义上的解决方案方面进行努力。