
IOP出版社主办的在线研讨会“早期研究的关键见解——会议论文集如何为研究人员提供价值”定于北京时间2023年12月7日周四20:00线上召开。来自IOP出版社的会议论文集策划编辑Rachelle Morris将担任本次研讨会的主席,同时还邀请了来自意大利比萨大学的Hans-Thomas Elze教授、以色列耶路撒冷哈达萨学院/以色列开放大学的Martin Land博士、丹麦科技大学的Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen副教授和罗马尼亚蒂米什瓦拉理工大学的Romeo Susan-Resiga教授作为嘉宾共同探讨会议论文集对于科学研究的价值。欢迎大家免费注册参会,参与讨论!
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Rachelle Morris
- Rachelle Morris is a commissioning editor at IOP Publishing. Prior to joining, Rachelle collaborated with international trade and commercial publishers, photographers, and authors to produce books using natural history images for nearly 17 years. Since joining IOP Publishing, that focus has shifted to expanding the portfolios of the conference series journals: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) and Journal of Physics (JPCS) and maintaining the high standards of IOP Publishing’s publications.

Hans-Thomas Elze 教授
- Hans-Thomas Elze is a theoretical physicist who has been affiliated with the University of Pisa since 2004. Hans-Thomas’ field of research includes: quantum-classical hybrid systems, quantum decoherence, QCD transport theory, quark-gluon plasma, statistical mechanics. He is the organizer of the biannual DICE (foundations of physics) conference that has been hosted in Italy since 2002.
Martin Land 博士
- Martin Land is a senior lecturer at Hadassah College Jerusalem and a faculty mentor at The Open University of Israel. Natively from New York, Martin has a background in electrical engineering and physics, teaching courses in computer architecture, microprocessors, networking, and embedded systems. He currently serves as president of the International Association for Relativistic Dynamics (IARD).
Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen 副教授
- Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Wind and Energy Systems at DTU Orbit, Denmark. His field of interest is numerical finite elements simulations and experimental characterization of polymer matrix composites where the focus is on the fatigue and compression behaviour of wind turbine blade materials. He is the organizer for the annual Risø International Symposium on Materials Science.
Romeo Susan-Resiga 教授
- Romeo Susan-Resiga is a university professor at the Politehnica University Timișoara (UPT), Romania. He teaches courses in fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines. He is also the director of the Research Centre for Engineering of Systems with Complex Fluids in UPT. He is currently on the committee of Hydraulic Machinery and Systems at the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), and he organized the IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems in 2010, as well as the meetings of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems in 2007 and 2023.

- Online ISSN: 1742-6596
- Print ISSN: 1742-6588
- 创刊年: 2004
- 领域: 物理学及相关领域
- 检索: Ei, Scopus, CPCI, Inspec, Google Scholar, CNKI等

- Online ISSN: 1755-1315
- Print ISSN: 1755-1307
- 创刊年: 2008
- 领域: 地学、环境科学、生态科学、可持续发展
- 检索: Scopus, CPCI, Inspec, Google Scholar, CNKI等

- Online ISSN: 1757-899X
- Print ISSN: 1757-8981
- 创刊年: 2009
- 领域: 材料和工程科学
- 检索:CPCI, Inspec, Google Scholar, CNKI等