直播预告|JPhys Materials期刊在线研讨会:Sustainable Materials

10 11月 2022 gabriels


IOP出版社旗下Journal of Physics: Materials(JPhys Materials)期刊主办的在线研讨会将聚焦可持续材料,定于北京时间2022年11月14日周一21:00线上召开。来自英国帝国理工学院的Magda Titirici教授将担任本次研讨会的主席,同时还邀请了来自英国帝国理工学院的Agi Brandt-Talbot博士、英国剑桥大学的Silvia Vignolini教授、英国帝国理工学院的Kong-Yang Lee教授、英国帝国理工学院的Heather Au博士和瑞典皇家理工学院的Göran Finnveden教授作为嘉宾共同探讨可持续材料研究的最新进展和关键挑战。欢迎大家免费注册参会,参与讨论!



本次在线研讨会我们将由可持续材料研究界的主要研究人员进行演讲,介绍该领域研究的最新发现以及如何解决关键挑战。本次在线研讨会的内容基于JPhys Materials期刊刚刚发布的路线图The sustainable materials roadmap 。该路线图由50 多位著名学者共同完成,突出了材料领域内的可持续性问题,并讨论了可持续材料领域解决这些问题的途径。



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Magda Titirici  教授


  • Magda Titirici holds the position of chair of sustainable materials energy at Imperial College London. She is the author of more than 250 articles and is included in the Global Highly Cited Researchers (Clarivate Analytics) in each of the past four years. Her current research interests involve sustainable materials with focus on carbon and carbon hybrids produced via hydrothermal processes, waste recycling into advance products, avoidance of critical elements in renewable energy technologies, and the development of truly sustainable clean-energy storage systems.


Agi Brandt-Talbot  博士


  • Agi Brandt-Talbot is a lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London and leads the Sustainable Carbon Solutions research team. She has authored 32 scientific articles with more than 4000 citations and holds three licensed patents. Agi is interested in creating bio-derived materials and chemicals from sustainable biomass and the application of novel tailor-made solvents for more sustainable use of carbon in our economy.

Silvia Vignolini  教授


  • Silvia Vignolini holds the position of professor of chemistry and biomaterials at Cambridge University and is the author of more than 250 research papers. Her research examines photonic structures that occur throughout nature, biomimetic materials, block copolymers for self-assembly, light management for photosynthesis, and much more.

Kong-Yang Lee  教授


  • Kong-Yang Lee holds the role of professor in polymer engineering at Imperial College London. His research focuses on the development and manufacturing of novel polymeric materials with a focus on tailoring the interface between two (or more) phases to bridge the gap between chemistry, materials science and engineering.

Heather Au  博士


  • Heather Au is a Faraday Institution Research Fellow at Imperial College London. Her research is primarily based on exploring sustainable materials for energy storage, and with particular emphasis on the development of engineered carbon hosts for sulphur cathodes in lithium-sulphur batteries.

Göran Finnveden  教授


  • Göran Finnveden holds the role of professor of environmental strategic analysis at the Division of Sustainability Assessment and Management at the Department of Sustainable Development at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. His current research focusses upon the circular economy, life-cycle assessment methodology, integration of sustainable development in higher-education institutions, and sustainable consumption and sustainable economic development.


Journal of Physics: Materials

  • 2021年影响因子:5.847  Citescore:5.8
  • JPhys Materials(JPMATER)是一本新出版的开放获取期刊,涵盖材料研究中最重要和最激动人心的进展,着重关注跨学科和多学科研究,包括:生物和生物医学材料;碳材料;电子材料;能源和环境材料;玻璃和非晶态材料;磁性材料;金属和合金;超材料;纳米;有机材料;光子材料;聚合物和有机化合物;半导体;智能材料;软物质;超导体;表面、界面和薄膜等。