Environmental Research: Health期刊第一卷亮点文章

18 7月 2024 gabriels
我们很高兴地为您推荐Environmental Research: Health(ERH)期刊第1卷的亮点文章。ERH是一本多学科、开放获取的期刊,致力于解决环境和公共卫生领域的重要全球挑战。第一卷展示了这本新期刊的成功发行,其中有关于一系列环境条件(例如,野火、石油和天然气生产、气候变化、水质盐度)的文章,以及涵盖从欧洲到印度等全球许多不同地区环境卫生研究的工作。我们希望您喜欢第一卷中的这些亮点文章,并考虑未来在ERH期刊出版您的研究文章。


“Human health is one of the most important consequences of our deteriorating environment, and is also linked to other impacts through complex, interconnected systems of physiology, environmental justice, climate change, built environment, agriculture, and more. Scientific evidence on how the environment influences health can aid informed and effective decision making, from the individual to the global level. Environmental Research: Health has been created to facilitate such research, with an open access model so that such knowledge is available to all for healthier people and a better world.”

——Michelle Bell, Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Research: Health


Intervention studies to reduce the impact of climate change on health in rural communities in the United States: a systematic review 

Daniel J Smith, Elizabeth Mizelle, Sharon L Leslie, Grace X Li, Sheila Stone, Peyton Stauffer, Anna Smith, Gianna Lewis, E Lola Rodden, Ruth McDermott-Levy and Lisa M Thompson


Epidemiological evidence on drinking water salinity and blood pressure: a scoping review

Christina Xeni, Raymond Oliva, Farjana Jahan, Iqbal Romaina, Abu Mohd Naser, Mahbubur Rahman, Lora E Fleming, Matthew O Gribble and Konstantinos C Makris


Outside in: the relationship between indoor and outdoor particulate air quality during wildfire smoke events in western US cities 

Katelyn O’Dell, Bonne Ford, Jesse Burkhardt, Sheryl Magzamen, Susan C Anenberg, Jude Bayham, Emily V Fischer and Jeffrey R Pierce


An interrupted time series analysis of the cardiovascular health benefits of a coal coking operation closure

Wuyue Yu and George D Thurston


Air pollution and health impacts of oil & gas production in the United States 

Jonathan J Buonocore, Srinivas Reka, Dongmei Yang, Charles Chang, Ananya Roy, Tammy Thompson, David Lyon, Renee McVay, Drew Michanowicz and Saravanan Arunachalam


Air quality and health co-benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions by 2030: an interdisciplinary modeling study in Ahmedabad, India  

Vijay S Limaye, Akhilesh Magal, Jaykumar Joshi, Sujit Maji, Priya Dutta, Prashant Rajput, Shyam Pingle, Prima Madan, Polash Mukerjee, Shahana Bano, Gufran Beig, Dileep Mavalankar, Anjali Jaiswal and Kim Knowlton


Exploring vulnerability to heat and cold across urban and rural populations in Switzerland

Evan de Schrijver, Dominic Royé, Antonio Gasparrini, Oscar H Franco and Ana M Vicedo-Cabrera


Unveiling the link between rainfall, temperature, and childhood undernutrition in Bangladesh using spatial analysis 

Jahidur Rahman Khan, K Shuvo Bakar and Mohammad Sorowar Hossain


Community-based participatory research on the impact of greenspace on violent crime 

Mardelle McCuskey Shepley, Rebecca Lauren Ames, Renata Marques Leitão and Gloria Coleman


Associations between long-term exposure to fine particulate matter and osteoporotic fracture risks in South Korea

Seulkee Heo, Garam Byun, Sera Kim, Whanhee Lee, Jong-Tae Lee and Michelle L Bell


Short-term exposure to air pollution and mental disorders: a case-crossover study in New York City 

Eun-Hye Yoo, John E Roberts, Youngseob Eum, Xiaojiang Li, Lingzhi Chu, Pin Wang and Kai Chen


Health impacts of smoke exposure in South America: Increased risk of populations in the Amazonian Indigenous territories 

E X Bonilla, L J Mickley, G Raheja, S D Eastham, J J Buonocore, A Alencar, L Verchot, D M Westervelt and M C Castro


Climate change-related mass migration requires health system resilience

Aaron Clark-Ginsberg and Anita Chandra


Environmental Research: Health

  • Environmental Research: Health(ERH)是一本多学科、开放获取的期刊,致力于在环境和公共卫生的层面上应对重要的全球挑战。并在影响/未来风险、复原力、环境减缓、环境适应、环境安全和最广泛意义上的解决方案方面进行努力。我们鼓励所有的研究方法,包括定性、定量、实验、理论和应用方法、暴露评估、实施研究以及政策分析。