
25 5月 2023 gabriels
Credit: Claire Brascoupe



  • Carly D Ziter,加拿大康考迪亚大学
  • Rachel Buxton,加拿大卡尔顿大学


With the majority of the world’s people now living in urban areas, and humanity facing joint biodiversity and climate crises, urban ecology has gained rapid attention as a necessary part of the solution to these issues. Central to this challenge is the protection and management of urban green spaces, which play an important role the conservation of species in urban environments and provision of ecosystem services (the benefits of nature for people, such as temperature regulation, improvement of air and water quality, and promotion of mental and physical wellbeing). The need for urban green spaces to play an active role in both ameliorating biodiversity loss, combatting climate change, and contributing to human wellbeing is reflected in the recent proliferation of local, national, and global policies and targets around urban nature-based solutions – actions that protect, manage, or restore ecosystems to address societal challenges.
Despite the increasing interest, there is still a limited understanding of how to successfully implement nature-based solutions in cities. This is due in part to limited understanding of the relationships between urban green spaces, biodiversity, and ecosystem services at appropriate spatial and temporal scales. Moreover, evidence of outcomes remains lacking, as there is limited evaluation of nature-based solutions post-implementation. Further, in an urban context where the distribution of and access to urban nature is often shaped by historical and ongoing systemic inequalities, nature-based solutions must be evaluated through an environmental and social justice lens if they are to truly address societal challenges as intended. Planning and implementing nature-based solutions in urban areas must consider the ability of nature-based solutions to deliver outcomes that benefit a diversity of people and communities, or they risk perpetuating the inequities currently present in many cities.

For this focus issue we are seeking papers that evaluate nature-based solutions in an urban context. We are particularly interested in papers focusing on solution-oriented science (i.e., with implications for policy and decision-making) as well as those that directly assess outcomes of nature-based solutions for biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services, equity, and/or human health and wellbeing. We strongly encourage interdisciplinary research, and work that is co-produced with rights holders, communities, and/or stakeholders. Contributions may take a range of forms, including quantitative and qualitative original research, case studies, perspective pieces, or reviews.

We invite contributions that include, but are not limited to:

  • Studies of the relationships between urban green spaces, biodiversity, and human health and wellbeing
  • Studies that evaluate outcomes of nature-based solutions (for biodiversity, ecosystem functions or services, equity, and/or human health and wellbeing)
  • Co-produced research on urban nature-based solutions (i.e., with rights holders, communities, stakeholders)
  • Studies addressing the relationship between nature-based solutions and social and environmental justice
  • Perspectives or reviews addressing how to successfully implement urban nature-based solutions





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Environmental Research: Ecology

  • Environmental Research: Ecology(ERE)是一本多学科、金色开放获取的期刊,致力于以关于全球变化、弹性、减轻和适应影响的兼具科学进展和评估的方式,解决在环境科学、大尺度生态学、生物多样性和保护的交界领域的重要全球挑战。本刊为促进环境科学家、生态学家、资源管理者和政策制定者的对话提供了论坛。本刊鼓励所有的研究方法,包括定量、定性、实验、理论和应用方法。本刊直至2023年底减免全部文章发表费用,即作者在此期间可以免费发文。