
30 12月 2024 gabriels
We evaluate how the availability of carbon capture (CC) in a networked electricity system affects the emissions of both carbon and of co-pollutants, under a range of plausible technical, economic, and policy scenarios about CC technology, the pace of renewable deployment, the structure of the power grid, and climate policy. We employ a Power Flow model of a three-node, mixed-source network in which fossil fuel power plants may invest in CC via retrofit. Our stylized model retains some of the complexities of a real power system while allowing for a detailed analysis of the impact of power plant operations and transmission constraints. We find that, in a networked system, the availability of CC may lead some generation to move from natural gas to coal, thus leading to a significant increase in co-pollutants. This is of particular concern during the mid-transition, a period when both carbon and non-carbon electrical generation is active. The introduction of CC can lead to an increase in co-pollution even as the energy system transitions toward renewable energy and, surprisingly, co-pollution outcomes can be worse under a stronger decarbonization policy. This insight is important and timely in light of recent rules incentivizing the use of CC. Systems in the early stages of the energy transition may experience an increase in co-pollution if the co-pollutant dynamics are not considered in the first steps of CC policy design.


Carbon capture and co-pollutants in a networked power system

Paola Pimentel Furlanetto, Michael Ash, Erin Baker, Bridget Diana, Tim Donaghy and Golbon Zakeri



  • Paola Pimentel Furlanetto,美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校


Environmental Research: Energy

  • Environmental Research: Energy是一本多学科、开放获取的期刊,致力于解决与能源相关的重要挑战,并在影响/未来风险、复原力、环境减缓、环境适应、环境安全和最广泛意义上的解决方案方面进行努力。