ERL特刊征稿|Human-Earth System Interactions under Climate Change

13 3月 2023 gabriels



  • 李辉东,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所
  • Minchao Wu,瑞典隆德大学
  • TC Chakraborty,美国太平洋西北国家实验室
  • Anna Rutgersson,瑞典乌普萨拉大学
  • Torbern Tagesson,瑞典隆德大学
  • Bing Xue,德国柏林工业大学
  • Zhonghua Zheng,英国曼彻斯特大学



Human-Earth system interactions play a critical role in global climate and have become increasingly important in recent decades due to the rapid pace of infrastructure and socioeconomic development. Human activities affect ecosystems worldwide. These activities, which include deforestation, afforestation, agronomy and forest management, urban expansion, renewable energy generation, etc., have largely reshaped the global land surface. The significant impacts on global ecological structure and functioning induced by these changes also influence other Earth system components, including the marine system through land-sea-atmosphere interactions and the atmosphere through changes in global heat, moisture, and carbon budgets. Regional and global socioeconomic activities, such as agriculture and energy production, may evolve over time with the natural systems through a wide range of biophysical and biogeochemical feedbacks on the Earth system from global to regional and from seasonal to centennial scales. Human activity, therefore, has become an additional dimension that complicates the existing interactions between components of the Earth system, imposing additional challenges for assessing the tipping points of climate change and for understanding the fate of the Earth system in the future Anthropocene. Therefore, further efforts for better understanding human-Earth system interactions are urgently needed. This requires synergy across scientific disciplines for developing new concepts and/or research methods drawn from multiple domains and perspectives, e.g., from survey data and social science frameworks to Earth observing systems and Earth system models.

This focus collection aims to further understand human-Earth system interactions for better serving regional and global sustainability and facilitating the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals. We welcome the latest research advancements in improving our understanding of human-Earth system interactions through state-of-the-art monitoring, modelling, and policy-based analysis.

We seek to address the following key areas, which cover but are not limited to:

  • Human-nature coupled ecosystem processes
  • Land use change and landscape pattern dynamics
  • Ecosystem response and feedback to climate extremes
  • Human-induced changes in biophysical and biogeochemical feedbacks in the Earth system
  • Ecosystem-renewable energy interaction
  • Shipping impacts on the environment and climate
  • State-of-the-art methods including Earth observation and modelling for quantifying human-Earth system interactions
  • Future socioeconomic changes and feedbacks to the environments
  • Ecosystem services, regional planning, and sustainability





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Environmental Research Letters

  • 2021年影响因子:6.947  Citescore: 9.4
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