
11 12月 2024 gabriels



  • Diego Abalos,丹麦奥胡斯大学
  • Klaus Butterbach-Bahl,丹麦奥胡斯大学
  • Jørgen Eivind Olesen,丹麦奥胡斯大学


Thanks to the application of nitrogen (N) fertilizers, farmers tripled global crop production while the cultivated land area only increased by 30%. However, by 2050 the global food demand will further increase, and therefore the demand for N inputs and for agricultural land are expected to rise substantially over the coming decades. Unfortunately, the use of N fertilizers poses multiple severe environmental and health challenges that still defy solutions. This is because N not retained by plants can generate a cascade of environmental and socio-economic problems. Therefore, there is an urgent need for agroecosystems and food systems that retain and recirculate N more efficiently and that remain productive and resilient in the face of changing climatic and social conditions. This global problem was addressed during the XXII international N workshop hosted by Aarhus University.

In this focus issue we want to showcase the best work in the field of solving the N problem from a large scale, food system perspective. Expected contributions include N budgets at (inter)national scales, policy perspectives, land use assessments, large-scale modelling studies, and analyses of food and feed consumption patterns.





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Environmental Research Letters

  • 2023年影响因子:5.8  Citescore: 11.9
  • Environmental Research Letters(ERL)以金色开放获取模式出版,作者可选择将原始数据作为补充资料与文章一起发表。所有研究人员可以免费获取这些研究成果。ERL汇聚了关注环境变化及其应对的研究团体和政策制定团体的意见,涵盖了环境科学的所有方面,出版研究快报、综述文章、观点和社论。ERL顺应了环境科学的跨学科发表的趋势,反映了该领域相关的方法、工具和评估战略,得到了来自不同领域的广泛贡献。