Great Mysteries in Astrophysics电子书作者访谈:Nicole M Lloyd-Ronning

27 3月 2023 gabriels
近日,我们采访了Great Mysteries in Astrophysics一书的作者Nicole M Lloyd-Ronning。点击下方视频,让我们一起看看她在IOP出版社的出版经历吧。


Nicole Lloyd-Ronning is an astrophysicist in Northern New Mexico who studies all aspects of the physics behind the deaths of massive stars, the black hole–accretion disk systems they leave behind, the relativistic jets they launch, and the role these events play in global star formation throughout the history of our universe. She received the Distinguished Mentor Award at Los Alamos National Lab in 2019, the Faculty Initiative Award at University of New Mexico, Los Alamos in 2020 and the Los Alamos National Lab Community Medal in 2021.







Great Mysteries in Astrophysics

  • Great Mysteries in Astrophysics这本书探索了当前宇宙研究的最大空白,其内容涵盖了暗物质、暗能量、哈勃常数/哈勃张力、大质量恒星的死亡、与黑洞、中子星和双星/多星系统相关的谜团等主题。这本书每一章都写得通俗易懂,还包含单独的技术解释插页,以及了解进一步内容的参考资料。作为一本非常有用的参考书,它总结了宇宙中的奥秘所在,并为未来的研究提供了令人兴奋的新途径。这本书填补了当前科学文献的一个重要空白,吸引了普通读者、天文学学生和其他学科的学者。