欢迎加入JPhys Complexity在线研讨会|信息处理的复杂系统方法

02 3月 2022 gabriels

时间:10.00 pm – 12.00 am (北京时间)

在线研讨会将针对JPhys Complexity发表的特刊“Complex Systems Approaches to Information Processing”,结合了五个不同的视角,探索复杂系统科学在连接各个相关领域中所起的作用。


The area of information processing and computing is highly fractionalized. It covers sub-fields in machine learning, neuroscience, physics, mathematics, computer science, engineering, biology, social sciences, and more. Not only digital computers, but also organisms, brains, nonlinear physical, quantum, and socio-technical systems, as well as artificial neural networks and many other complex systems, carry out complex information processing.

How these systems process, store, and retrieve information, and how they can even learn to improve on specific tasks as an interplay of structure and dynamics are fundamental questions at the core of research in complex systems that we need to answer. Finding answers will represent the basis to a better understanding, and ultimately to designing efficient and robust complex information processing systems.

This webinar brings together five different perspectives from this endeavour – all contributions from a JPhys Complexity focus issue of the same name – and aims to explore the role that complex systems science plays in connecting the various involved fields. To read more about this focus issue, visit the journal homepage and select the ‘journal collections’ page.


  • Ginestra Bianconi,伦敦玛丽女王大学


  • Maxi San Miguel,西班牙跨学科物理和复杂系统研究所(IFISC)
  • Claudio Mirasso,西班牙跨学科物理和复杂系统研究所(IFISC)
  • Ingo Fischer,西班牙跨学科物理和复杂系统研究所(IFISC)


  • Marc Timme,德国德累斯顿工业大学
  • Hiba Sheheitli,法国国家健康与医学研究院和艾克斯-马赛大学
  • Karoline Wiesner,德国波茨坦大学
  • Daniel Gauthier,美国俄亥俄州立大学
  • Roberta Zambrini,西班牙跨学科物理和复杂系统研究所(IFISC)



Journal of Physics: Complexity

Journal of Physics: Complexity(JphysComplexity)是一本开放获取期刊发表包含物理学及其相关领域的概念和方法的重要研究成果,用于增进我们应对复杂系统和问题的理解,主要涵盖物理学、生物学、化学、环境科学、社会科学、经济学及相关领域。