
1. 恭喜您发表在ERL期刊上的文章获得IOP出版社“中国高被引文章奖”。能否请您简单介绍下您团队新颖的作物绘图方法?
In our paper, we proposed a phenology-based approach, where we analyzed the growth patterns of major crops such as wheat, rice, and maize over a long period of time. Utilizing data from the Global Land Surface Satellite dataset, we precisely crafted comprehensive annual maps detailing crop distribution in China from 2000 to 2015, pinpointing their specific growth stages.
We observed that rice farming expanded in the northeast area of the country but decreased in the south. Overall, wheat production declined, except in the main production areas, while maize farming increased across most of the country.
2. 您认为这项研究最重要的成果是什么?开放获取出版有什么好处吗?
By improving our understanding of how crop areas change over time, we can develop better land-use strategies, and this can have important implications for agriculture and the environment.
The dataset produced in this study serves as a valuable resource for various related research studies, including those on crop modeling and the impacts of climate change. Further, our proposed crop mapping method could be used in other places for different crops, to show the intricate dynamics of farming systems and land conversion.
And publishing in an open access journal like Environmental Research Letters means that our research remains accessible to everyone keen on learning and utilizing this information.
3. 您和您的团队的下一步计划是什么?
We are working on generalizing this method to map crops on a global scale. We want to understand how climate change and extreme weather events affect different crop growth patterns so that we can contribute to improved, science-based mitigation and adaptation strategies.
We used machine learning and crop-based models to create a framework for mapping where different crops grow and how much they produce. Next, we’re aiming to see how climate change affects these things. We will also be integrating new technologies to optimize our simulations and reduce uncertainty. We want to contribute to the optimization of agricultural production systems that are more sustainable and that can help us tackle the global challenge of food security.
4. 您对同研究领域的其他研究人员有什么建议?
Technology is advancing very quickly, and it offers a wide array of novel possibilities that are not always easy to foresee. My recommendation to fellow authors is to welcome these developments with an open mind, even if they come from different disciplines. Don’t hesitate to have a multidisciplinary perspective!

- 2022年影响因子:6.7 Citescore: 10.1
- Environmental Research Letters(ERL)以金色开放获取模式出版,作者可选择将原始数据作为补充资料与文章一起发表。所有研究人员可以免费获取这些研究成果。ERL汇聚了关注环境变化及其应对的研究团体和政策制定团体的意见,涵盖了环境科学的所有方面,出版研究快报、综述文章、观点和社论。ERL顺应了环境科学的跨学科发表的趋势,反映了该领域相关的方法、工具和评估战略,得到了来自不同领域的广泛贡献。