
24 4月 2024 gabriels
“Jet quenching and medium response in high-energy heavy-ion collisions: a review”这一文章于2021年发表于IOP出版社旗下期刊Reports on Progress in Physics(ROPP) 上,并在2023年获得了IOP出版社“中国高被引文章奖”。该研究介绍了喷注淬火在揭开夸克-胶子等离子体(QGP)的秘密方面发挥了关键作用,QGP是一种被认为存在于宇宙大爆炸之后的物质状态。近日,我们采访了这篇文章的作者之一、华中师范大学王新年教授,让我们一起看看他对本篇研究以及领域发展的见解吧。


1. 恭喜您的文章获得IOP出版社“中国高被引文章奖”。能否请您再简单介绍下这篇文章?

Our paper, an invited review, delves into energetic quarks and gluons known as ‘jets’, generated during heavy-ion collisions. The study of jets offers vital clues about the properties of quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a new state of nuclear matter that only existed in the early universe a few microseconds after the Big Bang. Experiments at the Relativistic Heavy-ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have shown that QGP can be re-created through heavy-ion collisions. During these collisions, jets are produced along with the QGP.

The jets lose energy as they travel through QGP. This phenomenon, known as “jet quenching”, can be used to study the properties of the QGP. Moreover, the energy lost to the QGP becomes thermalized and propagates through the medium, much like sound waves. This jet-induced medium response can be used to study the transport properties and the equation of state of the QGP. Thus, this review article provides an overview of the progress made in studying jet quenching and medium response in heavy-ion collisions.


2. 您认为有哪些因素促使这篇文章取得成功?

Jet quenching and jet-induced medium response are rapidly growing areas of research in high-energy physics. These phenomena offer a crucial piece of evidence supporting the formation of QGP and have been instrumental in conducting detailed investigations into its properties. With the recent availability of detailed experimental data, we can dig deeper into examining the jet-induced medium response more thoroughly. The work reviewed in this article will provide theoretical support for ongoing and future experimental analysis on QGP.


3. QGP的研究似乎正处于一个有趣的阶段。您目前正在进行哪些研究项目,是否与QGP相关?

Current research progresses are just the beginning of our exploration into jet-induced medium response in heavy-ion collisions. Some recent studies have unearthed evidence for a unique 3D structure in the Mach-cone wave of the jet-induced medium response. These ‘Mach cones’ are produced when jets travel through a QGP medium faster than the speed of sound. We are currently engaged in carrying out a more detailed investigation of the jet-induced medium response through jet-hadron (soft) correlations to understand this phenomenon.


4. 您认为QGP的研究在短期内会发生怎样的变化?

Investigating the Mach-cone wave poses challenges due to its low signal-to-background ratio. Therefore, highly precise tools are needed to study them. Moreover, we need to improve experimental data while constantly reducing statistical errors. However, with increased luminosity at RHIC and LHC and along with increased jet events, we are optimistic that direct experimental observation of the Mach-cone and jet-induced medium response will become possible soon. Many interesting physics phenomena are difficult to observe in the beginning. However, with advanced experimental techniques and progress in theoretical studies, they become easier to observe and provide more opportunities for future explorations.


Reports on Progress in Physics

  • 2022年影响因子:18.1  Citescore:32.3
  • Reports on Progress in Physics(ROPP)作为涵盖物理学各分支的权威性综述期刊,长期以来享有盛誉。所有综述均由编委会邀请全球顶尖专家撰写,覆盖物理的经典和热点议题。同时,ROPP现在开始接受原创研究文章投稿。