开放注册|IOP出版社-浙江大学国际研讨会:阿秒科学的研究进展(Progress in Attosecond Science)

IOP出版社(IOPP)与浙江大学(ZJU)荣幸地宣布举办“IOPP-ZJU国际研讨会:阿秒科学的研究进展(Progress in Attosecond Science)”。本次国际研讨会将汇集全球领先的阿秒科学研究人员,涵盖所有超快技术及其有助于更好理解的系统,包括阿秒X射线、阿秒计量、高谐波产生和自由电子激光器及其应用等。

林海青 教授

David Gevaux
IOP出版社Reports on Progress in Physics期刊总编辑




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- 会议注册的截止日期为2024年5月20日。
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Oren Cohen
Professor at the Department of Physics, Technion – Israel institute of Technology, Israel
- Oren Cohen is a professor at the Department of Physics, Technion – Israel institute of Technology, and head of the physics department in Guangdong Technion in Shantou, China. He completed his PhD at the Technion in 2004 on optical spatial solitons and shifted to ultrafast optics during his post-doc period in JILA, university of Colorado at Boulder. His current research topics include strong-light quantum optics, high harmonic generation, single-shot ultrahigh speed imaging, selection rules in nonlinear Israel optics, femto-magnetism, ultrafast diagnostics of chirality, and diagnostics of ultrashort laser pulses.

付玉喜 研究员
- Yuxi FU got his Ph.D in State Key Laboratory of Strong Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. From 2010 to 2019, he worked in attosecond science research team of RIKEN first as a postdoctor and then as a Research Scientist. Then, he joined Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics as a professor. He is currently the deputy director of XIOPM Center for Attosecond Science and Technology. His research interest includes strong infrared femtosecond laser technology, attosecond science and technology.

Alexandra Landsman
Professor at the Ohio State University, United States
- Prof. Alexandra Landsman graduated from Princeton University with a PhD in Plasma Physics. She then worked as a National Research Council (NRC) Postdoctoral Fellow in Washington DC, followed by a Marie Curie Senior Scientist position at the Institute of Quantum Electronics at ETH Zurich. While at ETH, she worked closely with the experimental group of Prof. Ursula Keller on interpreting strong field ionization and tunneling time in attoclock experiments. In 2015, she became a Group Leader of the Ultrafast Laser-Matter Interaction Group based at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Germany. Since 2019, she has been a tenured faculty at the Ohio State University. Her research focuses on the theory of strong field interactions with matter, and on attosecond delays following ionization.

刘运全 教授
- Yunquan Liu obtained PhD from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science in 2006. In 2006-2008, he was postdoc in Max-Planck-Institute of Nuclear physics in Heidelberg. He Joined Peking University in 2009 and was promoted to be full tenure professor in 2015. His group has focused on the fundamental processes of atoms and molecules exposed to ultrafast laser pulses, i.e., multi-photon ionization, tunneling ionization, nonsequential double (multiple) ionization, high harmonic generation and Coulomb explosion of molecules etc.

陆培祥 教授
- Prof. Peixiang Lu received his bachelor’s degree in physics in Peking University, Beijing, China, in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree from the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), Shanghai, China. He is now the Deputy Director of the Wuhan National Research Center for Optoelectronics, the Director of the Academic Committee of the School of Physics, Vice Chair of the Academic Committee of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, OPTICA Fellow, fellow of the Chinese Optical Society, Editorial Board member of JPB. Since 1987, Prof. Lu has been engaged in experimental and theoretical research on strong-field ultrafast optics. He has published nearly 600 papers in academic journals such as Phys. Rev. Lett., Nat. Photon., Nat. Nanotech., Nat. Commun., Nano Lett., Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, Phys. Rev., Appl. Phys. Lett., with over 10,000 SCI citations (H-index of 52).

Giuseppe Sansone
Professor at the University of Freiburg, Germany
- Giuseppe Sansone received his PhD in 2004 at the Politecnico Milano, Italy, where he continued his career first as assistant professor and then as associate professor. In 2007, he visited the Laser Technology Laboratory RIKEN, Japan with a JSPS Short-Term Postdoc Fellowship. In 2009-2010, he received an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship to work in the group of the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg on the combination of coincidence spectroscopy with attosecond sources. He also contributed to the development of the Extreme-Light-Infrastructure Attosecond Light Pulse Source in Szeged (Hungary), initially as division head of the secondary sources and then as scientific advisor. In 2016, he became full professor for experimental physics at the University of Freiburg where he leads the Attosecond and Strong Field Physics group. His research interests are focused on attosecond metrology at free-electron lasers and on the investigation of ultrafast dynamics in molecules using coincidence spectroscopy.

Paraskevas Tzallas
Research director at the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH), Greece
- He is Research Director at the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH), Greece, the head of the Attosecond science and technology activity at FORTH, and Scientific Advisor of secondary sources at Extreme Light Infrastructure-Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS), Szeged, Hungary. His PhD was oriented in physical chemistry using pulsed laser sources. After the PhD, he switched his research interest to atomic physics and ultrashort pulse engineering. In 2002, he joined the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ) in Garching, Germany, as a postdoctoral fellow. His research was dedicated to attosecond science. Then he moved as researcher at FORTH, rising on 2017 to the rank of the Research Director. In 2012, he joined ELI-ALPS as a Senior Research Scientist and in 2014 he became Scientific Advisor of secondary sources at ELI-ALPS. Currently, the primary focus of his scientific endeavors is on bridging strong laser-field physics with quantum optics and quantum information science, utilizing innovative non-classical light states.

Caterina Vozzi
Director of the Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie (IFN), Italy
- Caterina Vozzi has been the director of the Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies (CNR-IFN) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) since January 2023. She became a Research Director at CNR in 2019 and leads the Ultrafast dynamics in matter group at CNR-IFN in Milano (Italy). She has a PhD in Physics from Università Degli Studi di Milano (2005). She develops spectroscopy for atomic and molecular physics and attosecond science. She is a pioneer of high-order harmonic spectroscopy and attosecond science with mid-IR driving sources, where she made significant contributions to source development and applications. Her current research focuses on ultrafast spectroscopy for studying dynamics in biomolecules and advanced materials for light harvesting and low-consumption electronics.

Marc Vrakking
Director of the Max-Born-Institute, Berlin
- Prof. Marc Vrakking completed his Phd at the University of California at Berkeley in 1992. After postdoc positions at the National Research Council (Ottawa) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, he led a scientific group at the FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF) in Amsterdam from 1997 to 2011. While at AMOLF, he initiated a research program focusing on the use of ultrashort (femtosecond and attosecond) extreme-ultra-violet (XUV) and X-ray laser pulses in studies of time-resolved atomic and molecular dynamics. In March 2010 he was appointed as director at the Max-Born Institute (MBI) in Berlin, and as a professor of physics at the Freie Universität Berlin. At MBI, Marc Vrakking is the head of Division A (“Attosecond Science”), and leads a team of researchers that are both further developing and applying techniques to study electron dynamics on attosecond timescales as well as nuclear dynamics on femtosecond timescales.

魏志义 研究员
- Zhiyi Wei obtained Ph.D in 1991 at Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics. From 1993 to 1997, he was a visiting scholar and postdoctoral research fellow at the Rutherford Appleton Lab in UK, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, University of Groningen in the Netherland. He joined in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1997. From April 2000 to Sept 2002, he was employed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan as a NEDO fellowship scientific researcher. His research interesting focus on ultrafast laser technology, include the generation, synchronization, phase control, amplification, frequency conversion and compression of femtosecond laser pulse. Up to now, he published more than 400 peer review papers. For his contributions, he won the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars in 2002, and elected as Optica Fellow in 2017 and Chinese Optical Society (COS) fellow in 2020 respectively.

Hans Jakob Wörner
Professor at ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Hans Jakob Wörner is a Professor at ETH Zürich since 2010. He obtained his PhD from ETH Zürich in 2007, after which he worked as a postdoctoral researched at the Laboratoire Aimé-Cotton in France and the National Research Council of Canada in Ottawa. His research area is attosecond spectroscopy in the gas and liquid phases. His research group holds the current world record of the shortest pulse of light ever measured (43 as).

吴健 教授
- Professor Jian Wu from East China Normal University is the recipient of the National Distinguished Young Scientist Foundation (2014) and the Chief Scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program. Focusing on the cutting-edge research in ultrafast laser physics, Prof. Wu has published over 160 scientific articles in recent years, including 12 entries in Nature journals, 34 in PRL, and 2 in PRX. Some of their achievements have been distinguished with the First Prize of the Shanghai Natural Science Award, the Rao Yutai Physics Award from the Chinese Physical Society.

Linda Young
Professor at University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, United States
- Prof. Linda Young is a researcher in x-ray science at UChicago and Argonne National Laboratory, where she is a Distinguished Fellow and leads the AMO Physics Group. Her group uses primarily accelerator-based light sources (x-ray free-electron lasers and synchrotrons) to understand x-ray interactions with matter from the linear to non-linear regimes. The recent development of synchronized two-color attosecond x-ray pulses with microjoule energies allows to initiate and probe radiation-induced processes on their natural time and length scales. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from MIT and Ph.D. from UC Berkeley. She has served as X-ray Science Division Director of the Advanced Photon Source, Chair of the Division Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics of the APS, is a Fellow of the APS and has been a recipient of a Helmholtz International Fellowship and an honorary doctorate from Uppsala University.

Reports on Progress in Physics
- 2022年影响因子:18.1 Citescore:32.3
- Reports on Progress in Physics(ROPP)作为涵盖物理学各分支的权威性综述期刊,长期以来享有盛誉。所有综述均由编委会邀请全球顶尖专家撰写,覆盖物理的经典和热点议题。同时,ROPP现在开始接受原创研究文章投稿。

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
- 2022年影响因子:1.6 Citescore:3.1
- Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (JPhysB) 主要发表原子、分子和光物理方面的重要和高质量的研究,内容涵盖原子物理、分子和集群结构、性能和动态、原子与分子碰撞、冷物质、光学和激光物理学、量子光学、信息和控制、超高速、高场和X射线物理学,以及天体物理学和等离子体物理学。除了原创性研究论文、专题综述和特刊外,本刊还出版快报、研究路线图、指导论文、特邀文章和专家观点等内容。