NCE特刊征稿|Neuromorphic Touch, from Biology to Artificial Systems

- Chiara Bartolozzi,意大利技术研究院
- Mitra Hartmann,美国西北大学
- Arindam Basu,香港城市大学
- Robert Nawrocki,美国普渡大学
The biological implementation of touch sensing and perception is therefore a useful guideline to develop artificial touch. The physical properties of tactile receptors and the way neurons encode the characteristics of each stimulus allow our brain to make sense of the world and make appropriate decisions on how to behave. As such, artificial touch is an extremely complex topic that requires the (co)development of sensing materials, transducers, embedded and flexible electronics, signal encoding and processing strategies that go hand in hand with their embodiment in robotic platforms and bioinspiration.
This focus issues collects reviews, perspectives and original work dedicated to the development of neuromorphic devices and systems for touch and their applications:
- models of biological touch, for sensing, perception, closed-loop control and decision making
- algorithms and hardware implementations for signal encoding and decoding for closed-loop systems
- materials for tactile and proprioceptive sensing
- unconventional electronics that support flexible, stretchable, robust sensing and embedded processing for touch
- applications of neuromorphic touch
- multi-modal sensing for pressure, temperature, pain etc.
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- 2023年影响因子:5.8 Citescore: 5.9
- Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering(NCE)是一本涵盖多个学科领域、采用开放获取(OA)形式出版的期刊。NCE期刊将神经形态系统的硬件和计算方面结合在一起,读者群覆盖工程、材料科学、物理、化学、生物学、神经科学和计算机科学等领域,跨越学术界和产业界的各个群体。在NCE期刊上发表的研究需针对神经形态系统和人工神经网络领域做出及时而重要的贡献。