Progress in Biomedical Engineering主编访谈|香港中文大学电子工程学系张元亭教授

04 12月 2024 gabriels
Progress in Biomedical Engineering(PRGB)是一本跨学科期刊,发表在生物医学工程研究领域中高质量的权威综述和观点。近日,我们采访了PRGB期刊的主编,来自香港中文大学电子工程学系的张元亭教授,让我们一起来看看他对期刊以及领域发展的见解吧。


1. 是什么吸引您加入Progress in Biomedical Engineering期刊的编委会,担任主编?


首先,我要感谢IOP出版社任命我担任Progress in Biomedical Engineering期刊主编。有几个关键因素促使我接受这一职位:

  • 期刊使命:该期刊致力于推动生物医学工程领域的前沿研究,并在该领域具有日益增长的影响力,这深深吸引了我。我还要感谢我的前任主编Metin Sitti教授,他的卓越领导为期刊的持续发展奠定了基础,使期刊的影响因子达到目前的5。
  • 编辑团队:期刊拥有勤勉的副主编和编委会团队,他们在严格、及时的同行评审中发挥着关键作用,确保发表高质量、高影响力的研究。我期待继续与他们合作,在现有基础上再接再厉。
  • 出版社支持:最后,IOP出版社的编辑团队高效、专业的支持也让我深受感动,尤其是来自出版人Rebecca Gillan博士的支持。我期待与Rebecca密切合作,共同推进稿件管理和其他确保期刊成功的关键环节。


2. 您认为Progress in Biomedical Engineering这样的期刊对该领域发展有何影响?

Progress in Biomedical Engineering是一本在线多学科期刊,专注于发表高影响力的综述和前沿观点,突显生物医学工程领域的新兴趋势并明确关键研究方向。该期刊为科学家、工程师、临床医生和工业界人士提供了一个重要平台,促进从基础研究到创新技术和临床应用等广泛主题的知识交流。


通过为这些前沿研究领域提供平台,我相信该期刊将在推动该领域发展、塑造生物医学工程研究的未来方面发挥重要作用。我期待与副主编们、杰出的作者们和敬业的审稿人们合作,确保Progress in Biomedical Engineering期刊持续发展,成为生物医学与健康工程领域有价值且权威的资源。


张元亭  教授


  • Yuan-Ting Zhang is currently a Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Visiting Professor at Oxford University Centre for Advanced Research (Suzhou), a MWLC-LRG member of Karolinska Institutet, a research consultant at MGH in Boston and the Chief Scientist of Guangdong Medical University. He is founding Chairman and Director of Hong Kong Center for Cerebro-cardiovascular Health Engineering under the InnoHK clusters. He served as the Sensing System Architect in Health Technology and Sensing Hardware Divisions at Apple Inc., California, USA, the founding Director of the Key Lab for Health Informatics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the founding Director of CAS-SIAT Institute of Biomedical and Health Engineering, Chief Scientist/Advisor at The Shenzhen Honor Mobile Terminal Company, Chair Professor at CityU, and Adjunct Chair Professor at Shandong University. Professor Zhang dedicated his service to the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1994 to 2015, where he served as the first Head of the Division of Biomedical Engineering and led the efforts on establishing educational degree Programmes in Biomedical Engineering. Professor Zhang has been the Chair of the IEEE 1708 Standard Working Group for developing an international standard on Wearable Cuffless BP Measuring Devices since 2007 and became recently a member of European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability. He currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) for Progress in Biomedical Engineering published by IOP. He was the EiC for IEEE T-ITB, the founding EiC of IEEE J-BHI, and the EiC for IEEE R-BME. He served as Vice President of IEEE EMBS, the Chair of 2016-2018 IEEE Award Committee in Biomedical Engineering, a member of IEEE Medal Panel for Healthcare Technology Award, and the award committee of IAMBE. He has been the main organizer for 22 editions of the Annual IEEE EMBS Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices and Biosensors (MDBS) started from the University of Wisconsin at Madison since 2002. Professor Zhang served as Technical Program Chair of IEEE EMBC’98 in Hong Kong, Conference Chair of IEEE EMBC’05 in Shanghai, International Committee Co-Chair of IEEE EMBC’07 in Lyon, International Committee Chair of IEEE EMBC’ 11 in Boston, International Committee Chair of IEEE EMBC’13 in Osaka, and Technical Program Committee Co-Chair of IEEE EMBC’17 in Jeju Island. He was invited to give numerous talks at various international conferences worldwide including those at the First IEEE Life Sciences Grand Challenges Conference held at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC in 2012, at the 40th IEEE-EMBS Annual International Conference (IEEE EMBC’18) in Hawaii in 2018, Earl Owen Lecture at SMIT-IBEC2018 in Korea, and at the 2019 Conference on Wearable Devices for Medical Diagnosis held at IIT in Israel. Professor Zhang’s research interests include unobtrusive sensing, wearable devices, tonoarteriography (TAG)/cBP, and neural physiological modeling. He was selected on the lists of China’s Most Cited Researchers in Biomedical Engineering by Elsevier, the top 2% researcher worldwide by Stanford University, and ranked No. 1 researcher in cuffless BP technology during the last 30 years from 1990 to 2020. He won a number of international awards including IEEEEMBS best journal paper awards, IEEE-EMBS Outstanding Service Award, IEEE-SA 2014 Emerging Technology Award,  IEEE-EMBS Chapter Award in Greece, Asia-Pacific E-Medicine Technology Grand Award in Australia, and most recently he won the 2023 IEEE EMBS William J. Morlock Award. Prof. Zhang is elected as IAMBE Fellow, IEEE Life Fellow, AIMBE Fellow, HKIE Fellow and AAIA Fellow for his contributions to the development of wearable and m-Health technologies.


Progress in Biomedical Engineering

  • 2023年影响因子:5.0  Citescore:9.4
  • Progress in Biomedical Engineering(PRGB)是一本跨学科期刊,发表在生物医学工程研究领域中高质量的权威综述和观点。PRGB发表的综述内容包括:组织工程学;生物力学;机器人技术;生物医学成像和计算;给药系统;康复学;细胞和分子工程;神经工程学;信号处理;测量和仪器;医疗设备;纳米技术和医学;计算机辅助干预;生物材料体积等。