
在今年世界量子日来临之际,IOP出版社邀请了多位量子科学领域的编委进行一系列访谈。本次,我们采访了Physica Scripta(PHYSSCR)期刊的编委、湘潭大学的李琴教授,让我们一起看看她对量子研究领域发展的见解吧。
1. 您目前的研究重点是什么?
Now I mainly focus on secure delegated quantum computation which is a combination of quantum cryptography and quantum computation. You see, it needs a lot of money to build and maintain quantum computers. So even if the first-generation practical quantum computers can be built in future, they are most likely to be held by governments, big companies or academics institutions. Others may need to access them in a remote way. Then it is important to protect the privacy of users when they delegate their tasks to quantum servers.
2. 您认为到目前为止,量子科学领域最大的进步是什么?
For this question, maybe different persons have different opinions. Just to me, I tend to consider that the quantum algorithms for factorizing big integers and solving discrete logarithm problems were proposed by Peter Shor as the biggest advancement in quantum science to date. There are not good candidates now if typical classical algorithms such as RSA were broken.
3. 在您看来,量子科学与技术领域的下一个重大突破可能是什么?
It is hard to predict. If I must say, I think the next big breakthrough may be to really solve a practical problem in a certain field on a specialized quantum computer. So it needs combined efforts of researchers and engineers in various fields.
4. 您认为Physica Scripta期刊在支持该领域研究方面起到了什么作用?
Physica Scripta mainly covers some topics in physics including quantum mechanics. Some readers or researchers who published their papers on it may have better physics background. So it can let persons who are interested in quantum science and technology to know more details about the recent developments from a physics perspective. In fact, Physcia Scripta also can support the research in this field by designing special issues on quantum science and technology for researchers of different fields and promote cross-field communication and interdisciplinary interactions.

李琴 教授
- Qin Li received her Bachelor degree and PhD degree both in Computer Science from Hunan Normal University, China in 2005 and Sun Yat-sen University, China in 2010, respectively. Since 2010, she has joined Xiangtan University, China and become a professor since 2019. Prof. Qin Li has published more than fifty technical papers on quantum computation and quantum cryptography. At present her research interests are secure delegated quantum computation, quantum algorithm, and quantum artificial intelligence.


- 2022年影响因子:2.9 Citescore: 4.4
- Physica Scripta(PHYSSCR,物理学手稿)是一本致力于呈现实验和理论物理学任何分支及相关领域(尤其是跨学科和交叉学科)的原创研究的国际期刊。PHYSSCR每年出版12期,除原创性研究外,还出版编委会特邀文章、专刊等,包括年度诺贝尔物理学研讨。