
12 3月 2024 gabriels
我们代表Smart Materials and Structures(SMS)期刊主编Alper Erturk以及执行编委会很高兴地宣布,2023年SMS期刊“青年领军人”的获奖者为Shiyang Tang博士,以表彰他在可拉伸导电复合材料方面的杰出工作。




Shiyang Tang

  • Dr Shiyang Tang is a lecturer in the School of Engineering at the University of Birmingham, UK. He earned his BEng (1st-class honours) in electrical engineering and PhD in MEMS from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, in 2012 and 2015, respectively. Dr Tang conducted his postdoctoral research in bio-microfluidics at the Pennsylvania State University and the University of California, San Francisco before returning to Australia as a Vice-Chancellor’s Research Fellow at the University of Wollongong. He received the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) from ARC in 2020. Dr Tang has published over 100 articles in high-quality journals.

A reconfigurable and automatic platform for the on-demand production of stretchable conductive composites

Hongda Lu et al 2023 Smart Mater. Struct. 32 045018


Rui Yuan

  • Dr Rui Yuan is a lecturer of Mechanical Engineering at Wuhan University of Science and Technology, where he earned his PhD in 2019. He served as a visiting scholar at University of Rhode Island from 2016 to 2017. His research interests include fault diagnosis, signal processing, and structural health monitoring. He serves as PI of 11 research grants including NSFC, and Youth Editors of 5 journals including JDMD, IJHM, Instrumentation, and JAMST. He has published over 60 articles on MSSP, IEEE TR, IEEE TIM, SHM, SMS, etc. He is the recipient of the Hubei Provincial Natural Science Award, and Top Cited Paper Award of IOP.

An efficient robotic-assisted bolt-ball joint looseness monitoring approach using CBAM-enhanced lightweight ResNet

Li Li et al 2023 Smart Mater. Struct. 32 125008


Qingzhao Kong

  • Qingzhao Kong received a BSc degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2010 and a PhD degree from University of Houston in 2015. He has served as research fellow in University of Houston, Curtin University, and is now a Professor of Civil Engineering at Tongji University. His research interests include smart sensors and sensing technology, structural health monitoring and condition assessment, and cyber infrastructure system. He is listed among the 2022 World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University. He is a member of the IEEE Ultrasonic, Ferroelectric, and Frequency Control Society, the International Society of Automation, and the Structural Vibration Control and Health Monitoring Committee of China.

HPSA: a high-performance smart aggregate for concrete structural health monitoring based on acoustic impedance matching method

Xiuquan Li et al 2023 Smart Mater. Struct. 32 075007


Smart Materials and Structures

  • 2022年影响因子:4.1  Citescore:7.5
  • Smart Materials and Structures(SMS,智能材料与结构)是一本多学科期刊,专注于智能材料、系统和结构(包括智能系统、传感和驱动、自适应结构和主动控制)的技术性进展。SMS内容涵盖:智能材料开发和应用;用作传感器和驱动器的智能材料;自适应结构系统;用于修正光谱偏移和折射率偏移的智能光学材料;用于地面车辆、飞机和民用基础设施;能源收集系统;利用仿生学和生物灵感的智能材料系统;3D打印智能材料及其应用;智能纺织品和可穿戴技术等。