The research on ultrasonic guided waves such as Lamb waves and shear horizontal waves are revolutionizing the technology of nondestructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM). However, the dispersive and multi-mode characteristics of guided waves complicate the signal identification in practical applications. Therefore, the developments of guided wave excitation and manipulation are essentially important in NDT and SHM. For example, single-mode excitation and wave field manipulation can greatly reduce the complexity of signal interpretations by avoiding unwanted wave polarizations and reflections. The propagation characteristic of a guided wave usually depends on both the transducer (wave source) and the waveguide structure. This focus issue is therefore dedicated to the recent advances in research and progress of novel guided wave transducers and metamaterial-based structures for guided wave manipulation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, novel transducers for guide wave excitation or reception, elastic metamaterials for enhanced sensing and guided wave manipulation among others.
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