直播预告|Research Collaboration电子书在线研讨会

10 10月 2022 gabriels

IOP出版社推出的Research Collaboration电子书主办的在线研讨会将邀请作者Annette Bramley共同探讨科研合作的方法,定于北京时间2022年10月13日周四21:00线上召开。欢迎大家免费注册参会,参与讨论!


不管您的研究领域是什么,也不管您处于职业生涯的哪个阶段,本次在线研讨会都将为您提供科研合作的工具和方法,这些工具和方法可以用于发展您自己的研究,并解决科研合作的常见问题。研讨会的最后,Annette会针对她的书Research Collaboration进行现场问答。


欢迎参会交流,分享知识与见解。>>点击此处链接,现在就注册参会吧。温馨提示:本次在线研讨会使用GoTo Webinar平台,首次观看前需要安装插件,建议您提前下载并安装插件。


Annette Bramley

N8 Research Partnership

  • Annette Bramley is the N8 Research Partnership Director and Chief Collaboration Officer. She is a public speaker highly regarded for her expertise in research culture and collaboration. She is an ambassador for excellent collaborative research that has a genuine impact in the world. Her particular passion is multidisciplinary partnership, team science, and collaboration. With a first class degree and DPhil in Materials Science from the University of Oxford, she brings real world understanding from the laboratory combined with the experience of more than 20 years guiding researchers from a range of disciplines at the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (now part of UK Research and Innovation). Her LinkedIn recommendations (https://bit.ly/3lUKPK6) give a sense of how her input has helped make a huge range of people and projects successful.


Research Collaboration: A step-by-step guide to success

  • 作者:Annette Bramley, Liz Ogilvie
  • 出版日期:2021年12月
  • Collaboration is a defining feature of 21st-century research, with more and more people routinely traversing formal disciplinary boundaries in the quest for fundamental and applied scientific discovery—even when it takes them beyond their core domain knowledge and expertise. This book takes a practical approach to support researchers in their collaborative practice. It will help readers to overcome common barriers to research collaboration, preparing them to form high-quality collaborations within a supportive organisational culture. Suitable for researchers at all levels, this book serves a global audience. It is as relevant for PhD students and postdoctoral scientists as it is to senior research managers working across academia, government agencies and industry. It also provides an invaluable reference for key stakeholders in the wider ecosystem supporting and facilitating research and innovation.