欢迎您在Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical期刊上发表研究文章

15 7月 2024 gabriels
您是否在为您的理论物理研究寻找合适的期刊?Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical(JPhysA)期刊是发表您文章的绝佳之选。


✏️Dualities and Symmetries in Integrable Systems

  • 客座编辑:Maxime Fairon, Nalini Joshi, Alexander Veselov和Ralph Willox
  • 主题范围:We welcome submissions that explore recent trends connecting different classical as well as quantum integrable systems through dualities and symmetries. Work submitted to this journal will disseminate new important developments and techniques; strengthen and explore new and existing connections between different aspects of integrable systems; and identify future perspectives and aims.
  • 截止日期:2024年7月31日

📐Focus on the Dirac Operator: Bridging Mathematical Physics and Network Science

  • 客座编辑:Ginestra Bianconi和Delio Mugnolo
  • 主题范围:Published jointly with Journal of Physics: Complexity (JPhys Complexity), we encourage submissions that open a wide scientific discussion across disciplinary boundaries and involve theoretical physicists, pure mathematicians as well as complex system theorists.
  • 截止日期:2024年9月30日

🧮Focus Issue on the Centenary of Bose Statistics

  • 客座编辑:Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, Manik Banik, Arijit Haldar和Saquib Shamim
  • 主题范围:Published in conjunction with three international conferences in 2024 organised by the S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences to celebrate the centenary of Satyendra Nath Bose’s colossal quantum mechanics work.
    These conferences will provide opportunities for the subject experts across the globe to come together and exchange their ideas for novel scientific and technological endeavour.



  • 高质量的研究:我们提供专业、有建设性和公平的同行评审,可以保证您的研究成为该领域最高质量的研究之一。
  • 文章的绝佳之选:JPhysA期刊展示了理论物理背后的数学研究,您可以在文章中进行全面的探索。
  • 快速出版:我们致力于提供快速、专业的出版服务,确保快速的初审、受理和出版。一旦被接受,您的文章将在24小时内被阅读和引用。
  • 学会出版社:IOP出版社是一家世界领先的学会出版社,发表物理科学及其他领域的最新和最佳研究。IOP出版社获取的所有利润都将回馈给英国物理学会(IOP),用于支持世界各地的研究、教育和推广。


Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical

  • 2023年影响因子:2.0  Citescore:4.1
  • Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical(JPhysA)每年出版50期,针对运用数学结构来描述物理世界的基本过程,并探索这些结构的分析、计算和数值方法。期刊内容涵盖:统计物理;非平衡系统、计算方法和现代平衡理论;混沌和复杂系统;数学物理;量子力学和量子信息理论;场论和弦理论;流体和等离子体理论;生物模型等方面。文章类型包括原创性论文和综述,以及关注于热点研究的专题综述和特刊,提供及时、全面的纵览。