MST特刊征稿|多相流层析成像技术(Multiphase flow tomography)

- 谭超,中国,天津大学
- Geir Anton Johansen,挪威,卑尔根大学
- Masahiro Takei,日本,千叶大学
- 梁光辉,中国,天津大学
Multiphase flow is the most frequently encountered process in petroleum, chemical and biomedical engineering, which has been a broadly investigated topic for many years. Process tomography is a very helpful technology for visualizing the multiphase flow fields in a non-disturbance manner. Over the past four decades, PT has demonstrated itself a very powerful and helpful tool for CFD validation, fluid modelling, process diagnosis and control, with the multiphase flow field images it obtains online. However, new challenges of applying PT in different plants and processors have raised substantial questions on how PT can help with the industries rather than just providing images, and would there be more information extracted from the process by PT? As such, we stand on a point to face new challenges of renewing PT’s role in process engineering, by looking back to the achievements it has accumulated. In view of this, we organize this special issue ‘multiphase flow tomography‘ to report on the state-of-art development of PT itself and its applications in industries. Papers solicitated in the topics listed but not limited below:
- New modalities of PT for new applications in process
- Multi-mode/modality PT
- Novel system design and development
- Novel image reconstruction algorithms with high precision and performance
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- 2022年影响因子:2.4 Citescore:3.9
- Measurement Science and Technology(MST)涵盖整个测量科学和传感器技术的理论、实践和应用,包括:精密测量和计量学;传感器和传感器系统;光学和激光技术;流体;成像;光谱学;材料和材料加工;生物、医学和生命科学;环境和大气;新型仪器系统和组件。MST还出版专题综述和特刊。