MST特刊征稿|Recent Advances in Ultrasound Imaging

- Ayache Bouakaz,法国国家健康与医学研究院
- 张红梅,西安交通大学
- Xiaofeng Yang,美国埃默里大学
- 王弟亚,西安交通大学
Over the past decades, ultrasound imaging has become a valuable tool across a broad spectrum of domains. It spreads over medical imaging applications, ranging from routine screening, Contrast-enhanced ultrasound, Tissue characterization and Doppler to – more emerging innovations in ultrasound – Elastography, Functional Imaging, Real-time Monitoring and Photoacoustic imaging.
MST invites submission of manuscripts on recent advanced methods in ultrasound imaging. The goal of this Special Issue is to report novel ultrasound technology, highlight open challenges and motivate further research. Contributions are sought in advanced technologies related, but not limited, to the followings topics:
- Ultrasonic signal processing and tissue characterization
- Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound Imaging
- Elastography
- Shear Wave Elastography
- Functional Imaging
- Photoacoustic imaging
- Machine learning in ultrasound imaging and image processing
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- 2021年影响因子:2.398
Measurement Science and Technology(MST)涵盖整个测量科学和传感器技术的理论、实践和应用,包括:精密测量和计量学;传感器和传感器系统;光学和激光技术;流体;成像;光谱学;材料和材料加工;生物、医学和生命科学;环境和大气;新型仪器系统和组件。MST还出版专题综述和特刊。